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7 March 2023 Ensurge Micropower — Accelerating commercialisation
Ensurge has successfully completed a private placing raising c NOK50m gross (US$5m) at 0.10NOK per share. The proceeds will be used to fund the company’s operations and development work. The placement is subject to approval by shareholders at an EGM to be held around 9 March 2023. Ensurge has secured interim financing to bridge any financing gap until the EGM.
manufacturing facility, located in Silicon Valley
December 21, 2022 Ensurge Receives First Order for its Production Solid-State Lithium Microbatteries
ENMPY Ensurge Micropower ASA
ENMPY one for 9 reverse split:
Does anyone have a truthful answer as to why ENMPY shares have not been furnished to TD Ameritrade? Ensurge says that the ADR would be immediately tradeable upon the name change. Ameritrade is clueless with their scripted explanation. Do other brokers have access to the shares?
Thin Film Electronics ASA ADR, TFECY, changed to Ensurge Micropower ASA ADR, ENMPY:
Volumes may be on the increase. Price is very, very good right now. Might be a good time to load up a few more shares.
Also need to mention that their technolt makes it safe to wear electronic sensors in clothing. This, of course, is just beginning to come to the fore. This, by itself, will obviously be a huge industry. all takes one's breath away
I just want to that in my view this is definitely a long-term hold. These stocks don't move every day and sometimes the price changes are dramatic.
I got in around .78 and it dropped under .5 in 3 weeks. That was disheartening to say the least, but the Scandanavian investing mindset is more like the Chinese. They think much more in terms of years and bug swings or long periods of little chart activity do not phase them.
Dry, safe and powerful Li Batts, are a ganechanger. They're easy to construct and to store.
U wish you the very best of luck and I will happily answer any questions I can for you .
i thank you very much, i will start buying mores shares. great job. i now see the potential. thanks again. jlt
I can go at this from a scientific or a financial point of view.
Either way, the technology going into a dry Li-ion battery is incredible. No doubt you've heard of airliner fires where at 35000 feet suddenly there is smoke in the cargo hold and the plane must make an emergency landing, right?
A dry Li battery will completely eliminate the problem and make a number of other ( luxury submarines, etc.) more attractive to buyers. The dry batteries also are getting longer and longer lifetimes. This will also keep surveillance drones and b-2 bombers able to stay aloft far longer than they can at present. This is why I call such a thing a gamechanger.
And just to help us humble investors along, it appears the company is seriously committed to a level of transparency seldom seen from most US companies.
Do you seek technical info? I will help if i can.
thehappyvulcan, can you share anymore knowledge on these batteries? thanks, jlt
Lithium-ion batteries that cannot catch fire, leak or explode?
Any rechargeable energy storage system that is wearable or implantable is a very big deal to any government or company that desires state of the art technology for security, surveillance or actionable data collection.
I expect good things from a company like this. They are wellpositioned to exploit a variety of opportunities.
Spock. I'd buy the whole company.
TFECY: effective Nov. 1,2019 ADR holders of Thin Film will receive one (1)" New" ADS for every eight (8) " Old" ADSs.No fraction of an ADS will be issued. BNY Mellon will attempt to sell any fractional ADSs and distribute the cash proceeds to DR holders. A ratio change will occur simultaneously with the split.
Yes GSK is a great vote of confidence in this technology. I believe this type of marketing will start gaining traction in the coming months.
What happened Barry wouldn't they let you in to take a look around?..Shuckers don't they know who you are? LOL!
Sexy website. Hitting all the right markets. IoT hitting hard. Still watching. Not fully in yet,but won't be long before this takes interest to the masses. They were forward thinking 10yrs ago, and stuck with it! Props. I'm sure some of you keep hovering here. Lol. Go ahead and share a little love, post, even if you haven't fully committed yet. I wonder if I can tag my wife when she flys out of town. Lol. Peace.
One thing is for certain the trading has gone from 100 or so shares per week to over 1K per day, so that tells me at least the word is getting out. Q2 report on 8/11 should be interesting.
Back in town. Checking into Cratus deal, and their new fab facility at the former Qualcomm place.
Pretty vague, care to post a link?
Hello, just stumbled across a recent article. Very interesting. DD time.
Decided to post something here to see if anybody is out there. As far as this company goes I went to their manufacturing plant in SanJose just a couple of weeks ago. When I arrived at the plant I noticed a tractor trailer parked in the back unloading some of the processing equipment. This falls in-line with what management has been reporting that they are in the process of building out to support the roll to roll process. Still there is a ways to go until Q1 2018 when they are scheduled to be fully operational, but yes they are indeed busy working towards that goal. That being said good luck to all... Even you DeaconY
Hello welcome to Thinfilm TFECY OTC Investorhub message board. I am going to be watching and posting Information about this company from time to time any post or information is welcome.
Thank you.
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Communication with shareholders, investors, and analysts, both in Norway and abroad, is a priority for Thinfilm. The Company’s objective is to ensure that the financial market has timely and accurate information about the Company so the share price can fairly reflect Thinfilm’s value and future growth prospects. Important events affecting the company are reported immediately.
Thinfilm publishes interim reports each quarter and an annual report. Dates are available in the Financial Calendar. Important agreements, technical or commercial achievements, as well as other events that may have a noticeable effect on the Thinfilm share price are reported immediately to the market. In addition, Thinfilm holds a number of meetings with investors and analysts throughout the year.
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