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Alias Born 03/12/2012

Re: TheHappyVulcan post# 20

Wednesday, 05/20/2020 9:05:33 AM

Wednesday, May 20, 2020 9:05:33 AM

Post# of 33
I just want to that in my view this is definitely a long-term hold. These stocks don't move every day and sometimes the price changes are dramatic.

I got in around .78 and it dropped under .5 in 3 weeks. That was disheartening to say the least, but the Scandanavian investing mindset is more like the Chinese. They think much more in terms of years and bug swings or long periods of little chart activity do not phase them.

Dry, safe and powerful Li Batts, are a ganechanger. They're easy to construct and to store.

U wish you the very best of luck and I will happily answer any questions I can for you .
