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Re: JLT4738 post# 19

Tuesday, 05/19/2020 12:29:32 PM

Tuesday, May 19, 2020 12:29:32 PM

Post# of 33
I can go at this from a scientific or a financial point of view.

Either way, the technology going into a dry Li-ion battery is incredible. No doubt you've heard of airliner fires where at 35000 feet suddenly there is smoke in the cargo hold and the plane must make an emergency landing, right?

A dry Li battery will completely eliminate the problem and make a number of other ( luxury submarines, etc.) more attractive to buyers. The dry batteries also are getting longer and longer lifetimes. This will also keep surveillance drones and b-2 bombers able to stay aloft far longer than they can at present. This is why I call such a thing a gamechanger.

And just to help us humble investors along, it appears the company is seriously committed to a level of transparency seldom seen from most US companies.

Do you seek technical info? I will help if i can.
