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Yep same here as well!!
I’m still here as well. 💎💪🏻
Still Holding Pb but waiting sucks don't care about the bashing chit people reply from Morrison which doesn't surprise me because he can't say anything but hoping for a we are working on it soon news bla bla lol.
I google how long S-1 Can take, up to a year which might be August
Reason mainly to hold for me is Evobio products and google them, looks like more sales
All the scumbag promoters no where to be found.....EMGE .0008 / KOAN .0015; ABSOLUTE CRIMINALS! Zimblers other blue chip that they tried to use before to do the same crap, CNGT .0001 ABSOLUTE GARBAGE ACROSS THE BOARD!
I see KOAN stock price isn't much better than has been hitting under .002 in the recent.
Need a group chat outside of here
No fucking doubt...because at this point, we are looking scammed IMO and I won't say another hopeful word to defend them until we get it (S-1 filing)...if we get it!
Wonder if a lawyer could speed it along
Wonder if a lawyer could speed it along
Just sent email to Morrision asking about an update on s-1 etc , but without sounding too impatient ...used AI to help with the letter because I'm not so good at writing them lol. Hopefully he will reply soon...
Think some news would be happening...good or bad
Thanks DD! Love the input! I’m holding everything until the end! Have a great one! 💪🏻💎👊🏻
We will have our days; it's only a matter of time.
Outstanding input! Thank you.
With $EMGE -2025 brings whole new beginnings
One of the concepts I always loved about the OTC and Bulletin board stocks is that the story always trumps the charts. No matter how the chart might look (in this case it’s not bad at all- .0008-.004) the minute the market catches wind of a “story” or “value” that others appear to be missing - the result in this market foray tends to be substantial.
IMO- All it takes is the slightest bit of confirmation or validation and $EMGE will rise 200-300% again like it did several times in 2024. This time, however, with the share structure exactly the same - the move may be even more exponential and sustainable.
The tax loss selling is over. Very little trading here the past 2 weeks. IMO- that means starting this week- and into next- at seemingly random - so at any moment - I expect the volume trends to pickup here.
It would make sense based on filings and timing for this to see a resurgence with $KOAN by Feb. IMO- thesw .0008-.001 which have proven the bottom for.a year now - will soon disappear and we will be retesting .002’s - with a keen look on the break of .0035+ pps.
Looking forward to the first quarter 2025 here. REMEMBER - a company management and prior owners can get it wrong many times and it doesn’t matter about future potential. This is the OTC.
Almost all fail initially and need seed capital over and over. All we hear is the rah rah of those attached to prior ownership and the prior power dynamics that didn’t go their way.
The difference is - the share structure is very attractive here. New ownership and structure via a 251G- and ALL THEY NEED TO DO IS GET IT RIGHT ONE Time and we can easily benefit from exponential gains and fast. I’ve seen it happen from .003 to .20+ pps. It can happen anywhere - so long as filings are completed and executed.
RECAP- IMO- based on filings and timelines- over next few weeks we should see escalated volume here moving the pps upward - and a potential move coinciding with expected filings.
They would put themselves up for a lawsuit if so
strong chance this co is insolvent and just like CNGT where no filings were made...they will just fade away. Then they will find another shell to try the same BS
Regardless of we get or don't complete the filings they still need to move forward with the S-1 and 251g
When in the hell are you guys going to wake the F up? There is no exchange! They F'd the common shareholders over.
You are a charlatan. You promoted this POS co non stop for months. All this BS reg a Del triangular merger etc. Co was and is controlled by a felon ..PERIOD! Morrison was a front for Zimbler. Morrison has done nothing for 20yrs. Zimbler tried this same crap with CNGT...NOW WORTHLESS, EMGE BASICALLY THE SAME. You should be apologizing to all those you F'D OVER WITH YOUR ENDORSEMENT. I gave you facts as to why this was a garbage fire...yet you promoted non stop like it was some blue chip. Wall St and more specifically the OTC and penny stock mkt is filled with asshats like you. I've been around long enough to spot and call out your kind...unfortunately others just believe the hype. What happened to this investment by Lucas? Where is the Reveal Laser deal? Just more BS that never came to fruition. I hope you sleep good at night thinking of all the money you helped people lose. He who laughs last laughs loudest...and I'm effing howling right in your sorry ass face!
I sometimes wondered if the reason of delay is to bring down KOAN price to being similar to EMGE so there isn't a big price difference when EMGE holders get their exchanged shares so there wouldn't be a massive sell after the exchange?
Yes, that's absolutely true. I can't understand why, and at this point, the stock won't go higher unless they provide some clarity on what's happening behind closed doors.
They do have an obligation to shareholders as the the silence is not bringing value to share price‼️
WOW.....KOAN an enormous 1857 share trade...ALL OF $12!
Come on girlz ya can do better!
Sure....that they can't pay bills, they cant raise capital and that in essence they are insolvent! The fact that they have said nothing for so long tells you just how dire a position this POS scam co is in
At some point, the company has to announce something. They can't stay silent forever.
And what part of anything they say has never come true do you have a hard time understanding? Zimbler is a penny stock fraudster....look at CNGT...ITS ZERO....he tried to do the same thing with that shell that hes trying with shell game
Bro......a fool is born are the epitome of that. You have a better chance in the lottery!
Well bought more, but does not show here or effect pps lol, Transferred money Friday still pending in my trade account but could still buy of course.
Order type
Limit at $0.0013
Time in force
Trade type
Market session
Order date
Dec-09-2024 09:42:35 AM ET.
Made some smaller buys also while getting ready for work,
Filled quantity
Order type
Limit at $0.0012
Time in force
Trade type
Market session
Order date
Dec-09-2024 09:37:37 AM ET
Cancel date
Accumulating slowly myself... PPS increase cometh😉
This should go eventually.... it may take awhile
Buying a little More Mon..
You are golden! Small chunks of buying to keep us steady until lift off. Solid day here today. Get ready, it's coming!
You are golden! Small chunks of buying to keep us steady until lift off. Solid day here today. Get ready, it's coming!