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Teck Kim interesting you'd be pumping one of your average downs here. Were you in this one with Rawnoc? and just like to hang here?..MWC
SPEX -- Naturelose/Tagatose
Tagatose new sweetner
SPEX on severe watch list. some short notes.
It has backed off about 30% from its recent run on news. $3.70
it is off its 52 week high of $5.85. present price is discounted 55% sitting at $2.65
This Company's backlog is a new recorded level of $72 million.
Commercial clients who have used SPEX Healthcare Business Solutions include:
Abbott Laboratories Johnson & Johnson
Astra Pharmaceuticals Merck
Aventis Pharmaceuticals Novo Nordisk
Berlex Laboratories Ortho Biotech
Bristol-Myers Squibb Pfizer
Elan Pharmaceuticals Roche Laboratories
Eli Lilly Schering Plough
GlaxoSmithKline Wyeth
The real big news is underway in regards to Phase three of its diabetic treatment.
The company is also a big reservation contractor for the camping industry.
Junior's not chubby, he just looks that way.
Study suggests parents of overweight kids see what they won't say!
Updated: 9:24 p.m. ET March 6, 2006
Many parents do not admit that their child is "overweight," but new research shows that while they may deny the term, they see the truth.
Even parents who say their child is not overweight will select a sketch of a heavier model when asked to choose one representative of their child, a study found.
Comparisons between images and sketches showed that parents' visual perceptions of their children more clearly reflect their child's physical appearance than words they might use to classify the child's weight," study author Dr. Helen J. Binns, of Northwestern University in Chicago told Reuters Health.
"Parents have a correct visual perception, but don't consider that to fit in the medical 'diagnostic categories,'" she added.
Previous studies have found that helping parents recognize their child's overweight status and their willingness to make the necessary behavioral changes is key to their child's treatment. Parents who fail to recognize that their child needs help may not be ready to receive any related counseling or other interventions, researchers say.
Yet, various reports show that many mothers -- especially those with young children -- do not consider their overly chubby children to be overweight, with some wrongly believing that their child is "about the right weight."
In the current study, Binns and her team examined parents' perceptions about their child's overweight status and investigated whether sketches may be useful in helping parents recognize their child's problem.
Of the 223 children studied, 20 percent were overweight and 19 percent were at risk for overweight. Over half (60 percent) of the 2- to 17-year-old study participants were under 6 years old.
Similar to previous studies, the researchers found that many parents failed to recognize that their child was overweight. Only about one-third (36 percent) of parents correctly identified their child as overweight or at risk for becoming overweight.
However, asked to select a sketch representative of their child, 70 percent selected a middle or heavier sketch, Binns and her team report in this month's issue of Pediatrics.
This was particularly true for parents of children 6 years or younger, the researchers note.
In addition to choosing the heavier sketches, parents of younger children were also more likely to use words to identify their child as overweight or at risk for overweight, and were more likely to worry about their child's weight.
Overall, 26 percent of parents of overweight or at-risk-for-overweight children said they worried about their child's weight and 18 percent said a doctor had expressed concern about their child being overweight or gaining weight too quickly.
Parents of older children were less likely to worry, unless they considered their child to be less active or slower than his or her peers, or if a doctor had expressed concern about their child's condition, the report indicates.
So what can parents do to address their child's excess weight?
"Start by setting a good example in relationship to foods, physical activity and leisure time activity," Binns advised, noting, "your children are watching you and will follow what you do."
Also, she recommends that parents "play actively" with their children and "decrease the availability of opportunities for sedentary behavior."
Study: Child obesity expected to soar worldwide
Nearly half of kids in North and South America to be overweight by 2010
Updated: 8:15 a.m. ET March 6, 2006
LONDON - The number of overweight children worldwide will increase significantly by the end of the decade, and scientists expect profound impacts on everything from public health care to economies, a study published Monday said.
Nearly half of the children in North and South America will be overweight by 2010, up from what recent studies say is about one-third, according to a report published by the International Journal of Pediatric Obesity.
In the European Union, about 38 percent of all children will be overweight if present trends continue ¡ª up from about 25 percent in recent surveys, the study said.
Story continues below ¡ý
¡°We have truly a global epidemic which appears to be affecting most countries in the world,¡± said Dr. Philip James, chairman of the International Obesity Task Force and author of an editorial in the journal warning of the trend.
The percentages of overweight children also are expected to increase significantly in the Middle East and Southeast Asia. Mexico, Chile, Brazil and Egypt have rates comparable to fully industrialized nations, James said.
He estimated that, for example, one in five children in China will be overweight by 2010.
¡°They¡¯re being bombarded like they are in the West to eat all the wrong foods. The Western world¡¯s food industries without even realizing it have precipitated an epidemic with enormous health consequences,¡± he said.
More junk food, less exercise
James said living in isolated areas was no longer a safeguard to securing quality of life or traditional eating habits.
He said children are ¡°being exposed to the world¡¯s marketing might,¡± arguing that governments should step in. ¡°There needs to be a ban on all forms of marketing, not just television adverts.¡±
Researchers analyzed a variety of published medical reports on obesity from 1980 to 2005 and World Health Organization data. They were able to track the growth rate of obesity in school-age populations in 25 countries and in preschoolers in 42 countries.
Researchers concluded that the prevalence of childhood obesity increased in almost all the countries for which data were available, a trend fueled by more sedentary lives and the increasing availability of junk food, among other factors.
The public health consequences of the trend alarm experts, said Dr. Phillip Thomas, a surgeon unconnected to the study who works extensively with obese patients in the northwest England city of Manchester.
Because obese children tend to carry the problem into adulthood, Thomas and other doctors say they will tend to be sicker as they get older, suffering from heart disease, stroke and other ailments stemming from their weight.
¡°This is going to be the first generation that¡¯s going to have a lower life expectancy than their parents,¡± Thomas said. ¡°It¡¯s like the plague is in town and no one is interested.¡±
Another doctor who examined the journal report was Dr. Brian McCrindle, a childhood obesity expert and professor of pediatrics with a pediatric hospital in Toronto.
He warned that the looming problem must be addressed.
¡°The wave of heart disease and stroke could totally swamp the public health care system,¡± he said.
He warned that lawmakers had to take a broader view of the looming problem ¡ª and consider doing things such as banning trans fats and legislating against direct advertising of junk food toward children.
¡°It¡¯s not going to be enough any more just to say to the consumer ¡¯You have to change your behavior,¡±¡¯ he said.
$132,276 retail order /Australian cookie
If I have this correct. Australian cookie and biscuit company order was for one metric ton. One metric ton is equal to 2,204.6 pounds. The powder I am assuming made for overseas customers retails for $30 for 8 ounces. 16 ounces in a pound. So 16 times 2,204.6 = 35,273.6
35,273.6 ounces in a metric ton. 35,273.6 divided by one 8 ounce retail can equals 4,409.2. 4,409.2 times $30 = $132,276 total retail cost.
I just got off the telephone with George Foreman enterprises in regards to CXN and its product Z-Trim. It is very legitimate.
z-trim & sour cream onion dip
16 oz of LIGHT sour cream and 6 oz liquid z-trim and one package of onion soup/dip mix.
Then allow it to set, as to get that onion flavor to enhance through out. Just as you would if you did not use z-trim.
Baby cut carrots or what you prefer for dipping!
Lost no taste! Needed no more dip mix. (opinion)
Best of all a low fat snack that fills you up.
I stop the cigarettes March 12, 2005. Fighting weight gain has beeen serious. Gained weight for just breathing air it seemed. Hopefully this z-trim will help me put the weight gain under control along with my exercise.
disclaimer: This posting has little to do with my personal ownership of CXN stock. I am sharing a story of a personal want to lose weight and keep it under control.
Zero-Calorie Fat Replacement
Zero-Calorie Fat Replacement does not change the taste or texture in any foods. Get excellent results with butter, salad dressing, cream cheese, mayonnaise, sour cream, dips, omelettes, cookies, ice cream, fudge brownies, icing, shakes, potato salad, tuna salad, lasagna, hamburgers, creamy chicken, meatloaf and many others. Zero calorie, carb reducer measures cup for cup like fats and oils, and can be used to replace fats and oils in most of your favorite recipes.
Ingredients : Water, Corn bran fiber, Citric Acid, Salt, Sodium benzoate (to preserve freshness), and Natural Color.
Weight: 1.18 lb (534g)
Retail deal = $150,000 on 2500 pounds
The 8 oz. jar of Z-Trim powder costs $29.95 on the retail level.
so 16 oz. jar costs $60.00 rounded off to nearest zeroe.
16 oz equals one pound
2500 pounds times $60 equals $150,000 on the retail level.
OK Tech
maybe old Helpurn will pay his vendors...they've been waitng for many months to get paid....almost a year!!!!!!!!
correction. It is 25 lbs. So actually this order even bigger than before. Last order was then 62,500 liquid gallons.
Huge CXN order adds up on
If one pound of powdered z-trim equals five gallons of liquid z-trim. Then 2500 pounds of z-trim equals 12,500 liquid gallons.
That is huge!
I also know the order only took a few hours to fill and to be delivered. Inventory, production and delivery is all in high gear.
No joke! The order was delivered about the same time the news release went out to the investment community.
DKSH very large company in with CXN
This latest news release could be overwelming. DKSH is cutting the fat.
This is big news
Circle Group Holdings Subsidiary FiberGel Technologies Receives Order for a South American Meat Processing Manufacturer
Monday December 19, 9:05 am ET
Go get 'em Greg..the Brit's are getting fat....
Food Manufacturers Under Pressure - CXN Has A Solution with Z-Trim
Good afternoon, and Happy Holidays;
As a reminder, we are two weeks away from what is certain to be a historic point in the history of food manufacturing as we know it. The very first piece of legislation is being imposed on January 1st, 2006; the Trans Fat Bill. From my understanding, there are another 65 bills in Congress right now and more are sure to be on the way. The World Health Organization has coined obesity a "staggering and global epidemic" with "no immediate solution in sight."
This GLOBAL EPIDEMIC is going to get bigger, before the trend begins to reverse. Z-Trim, originally developed by the USDA, is an all-natural, fat replacement food ingredient that can reduce up to 50% of the fats, calories & carbs, lower cholesterol, and increase dietary fiber. Recently, Circle Group Holdings, Inc. partnered with George Foreman Enterprises, Inc. and George Foreman will head up our international marketing campaign to expand awareness on a global level. Circle Group Holdings, Inc. is a publicly traded company with shares traded on the AMEX exchange under the symbol of CXN. I also want to take this opportunity to wish you and your family the happiest of holiday seasons, and a prosperous New Year!
Under Pressure, Food Producers Shift to Healthier Products
Published: December 16, 2005
For years, food companies have responded to criticism about the nutritional quality of their products by maintaining that all food can fit into a balanced diet. There are no bad foods, they argue, just bad diets.
Tony Cenicola/The New York Times
That is starting to change. As major food producers face scrutiny over their role in contributing to increasing childhood obesity rates, they are under pressure to make fundamental shifts in the way they sell their products to American children.
Kraft and PepsiCo have created rating systems to designate healthier foods. McDonald's said it would begin printing detailed nutrition information on its packaging in February.
Entertainment companies are also feeling pressure. Walt Disney said that beginning in the next few months, it would remove characters like Winnie the Pooh, Mickey Mouse and Chicken Little from candy and food products it determined to be unhealthy for children. And in partnership with a major supermarket chain, which Disney would not identify, the company will put Mickey Mouse thumbs-up seals on items like bananas and on store-brand products like pasta and juices.
A Disney spokesman, Gary Foster, said, "We wanted to give parents healthier alternatives and help in reversing obesity trends."
None of these changes go as far as the Institute of Medicine, a leading scientific advisory group, urges. In a report last week, an institute committee of 16 nutrition and marketing experts called for sweeping changes in the way the food industry markets its products to children. It added that 80 percent to 97 percent of the food products now aimed at children and teenagers are of "poor nutritional quality."
The food industry is divided over how it should respond. General Mills and Kellogg, which derive a large part of their revenue from products aimed at children, are resisting changing many of their practices. Kraft and PepsiCo, whose products are aimed at a broader section of consumers, seem more willing to adapt. The Grocery Manufacturers Association, a large lobbying group, is resisting the development of an industrywide rating system for healthier foods - one of the leading recommendations in the institute's report.
And Disney's efforts only go so far. Although it dropped an exclusive deal with McDonald's, some movies may continue to use tie-ins to McDonald's and other fast-food chains. Today, characters from "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" start appearing in boxes of the chain's Happy Meals.
So far, just one company, Kraft Foods, has significantly curtailed the amount of unhealthy food it markets to children under 12. The rest of the food and restaurant industry has yet to take any major steps in line with the report's major recommendations. While companies have made some efforts to reformulate products and introduce healthier offerings (removing trans fatty acids, for instance), consumer advocates and nutrition experts say that many of these attempts fall woefully short.
For instance, General Mills, the company that spends the most money marketing packaged food to children, promotes the addition of whole grains to its lines of cereal, even though many of these are 40 percent sugar and aggressively advertised to children.
Earlier this year, General Mills tried to provide more nutrition information by displaying icons in a product's "Goodness Corner."
But a consumer watchdog criticized the move because there are 26 different icons, rather than a clear-cut rating system.
"I work in this area and I don't even know what some of those things are referring to," said Margo Wootan, director of nutrition policy at the Center for Science in the Public Interest, a nutrition advocacy group.
A spokeswoman for General Mills, Marybeth Thorsgard, declined to comment on the Institute of Medicine's report, saying that the company had not had a chance to read through the 600-page document.
But in a presentation this year, General Mills vigorously defended its cereal.
"We strongly think that products like cereal can be advertised responsibly to children," said Kendall J. Powell, the company's chief operating officer, at an Institute of Medicine workshop in January. "Cereal eaters, including kids who eat presweetened cereals, are getting a good start to their day."
Kellogg, the second-largest packaged-food marketer to children, also said it did not want to comment on the Institute of Medicine's recommendations. In a statement, a spokeswoman, Jill Saletta, said the company offered a "wide variety of products" and "remains a committed partner in the fight against obesity."
ConAgra Foods and Mars said they were focusing on developing healthier foods rather than restricting marketing or rating their products. McDonald's, Burger King, Wendy's and Nestlé had no comment on the report.
Kraft and PepsiCo also appear to be alone in supporting the idea of an industrywide rating system for healthier foods.
"I think there may be an antitrust issue," said Stephanie Childs, a spokeswoman for the Grocery Manufacturers Association. "Whenever people talk about the industry getting together and deciding which products to sell, it sounds to me like something we could get sued for."
Some legal experts said, though, that food companies were more likely to face lawsuits if they did not think proactively and listen to criticism.
N. Louise Ellingsworth, a partner in the law firm of Bryan Cave, which has worked in the past with food companies, said: "Sometimes, companies think that by making changes you risk calling attention to yourself and focusing on the problem. But for companies who don't act, their mistakes will become obvious years later. The plaintiffs' bar is watching very closely, and everyone's got a target on their back right now."
PepsiCo insists that its "Smart Spot" program for identifying healthier products is more a shrewd business decision than a form of legal insurance. The company said that sales from the Smart Spot products grew by 13 percent in the first three quarters of the year, three times as fast as the rest of its business. "We believe this is a huge business opportunity," said Brock Leach, the chief innovation officer.
Although many nutrition and public health advocates have applauded Kraft and PepsiCo for breaking with the rest of the food industry, they say that both companies have yet to go the distance. Some of their children's products, for instance, are hardly carrots and broccoli - sugar-free Kool-Aid with artificial sweeteners, Kraft macaroni and cheese with processed cheese, baked Cheetos and peanut butter Cap'n Crunch cereal.
And Pepsi has not stopped marketing its non-Smart Spot products like regular Cheetos and Gatorade to children. It said that by early in 2006, half of all its spending on advertising aimed at children would be for Smart Spot products, an increase from 38 percent this year.
But Susan Linn, associate director of Judge Baker Children's Center, a nonprofit group in Boston, asked: "What's the point of doing 50 percent? If they were really concerned about children, they would stop completely."
Licensing of favorite characters also continues to be an enormously popular and effective marketing tactic that not even Kraft is certain it wants to abandon. The company, which features Dora the Explorer on its Nabisco Teddy Grahams and Fairly OddParents on Cheese Nips crackers, said that its licensing policy "is being discussed."
The question is not even on the table at PepsiCo. Mr. Leach called the focus on marketing methods like character licensing "misplaced energy."
"Our point of view," he said, "is let's focus on making healthier products, and that will eventually move the whole marketing mix."
While the members of the Institute of Medicine committee said they were willing to trust the industry to make voluntary changes, they have warned that if there is not significant improvement in the types of products marketed to children after two years, they will press Congress to take action.
J. Michael McGinnis, a senior scholar at the institute and chairman of the committee, called for the creation of a division in the federal Department of Health and Human Services to assess the food industry's progress.
Not surprisingly, food companies say that they, too, think self-regulation can work and cite the Children's Advertising Review Unit, a group financed by food, toy and media companies to monitor children's advertising.
But Elizabeth Lascoutx, director of the Children's Advertising Review Unit, said the group did not concern itself with junk-food marketing. Its job, she said, was to make sure that ads aimed at children were fair and accurate, not to see if they featured healthful or low-calorie products.
"We don't set standards or get involved in good food, bad food issues," Ms. Lascoutx said. "We're lawyers, not nutritionists."
Mr. McGinnis said he thought that the scope of the Children's Advertising Review Unit should be expanded to include the nutritional quality of children's food, though that recommendation is not part of the report.
Matthew T. Mushlin
VP of Corporate Development & Relations
Circle Group Holdings, Inc.
AMEX Symbol: CXN
847-549-6002 office
847-549-6028 fax
Copyright 2005. This email contains forward-looking statements. The company undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether because of new information, future events, or otherwise. Forward-looking statements are inherently subject to risks and uncertainties, some of which cannot be predicted, or quantified. Future events and actual results could differ materially from those set forth in, contemplated by, or underlying the forward-looking statements. The risks and uncertainties to which forward-looking statements are subject include, but are not limited to, the effect of government regulation, competition and other material risks described in the company's filings with the SEC.
disclaimer; This is a email sent to me. I am only sharing it by reporting.
It sure would be great ..I hear that Gregory and company still owe at least one vendor many dollars...after a year or more....guess he's a shrewd business man..or is that screwed? Makes me start wondering about that 25 million of shareholders money he's squandered over the last few years from other ventures.
Maybe this company is a scam....again!!!!! I hope not as I bought into this company after seeing what was possible....from the horses mouth!!!!
These vendors sure would like to get paid Greg....while you run around in your Jap crap Lexus 4 wheeler and saying.... ha so.
C'mon your bills!!!!!!!!
Look at what George did for that gril Company. If he can do the same thing for CXN that would be great.
This is why CXN? This will be huge!
UPDATE -- George Foreman Enterprises, Inc.
Friday December 2, 4:28 pm ET
In the news release, George Foreman Enterprises, Inc. (OTC Bulletin Board: GFME.OB), "George Foreman Enterprises Inks First Deal, Builds Momentum Toward Creation of Lifestyle Brand", issued yesterday, December 1, 2005 by George Foreman Enterprises, Inc. over PR Newswire, the Forward-Looking Statements and Risk Factors were omitted inadvertently. The complete, corrected release follows.
George Foreman Enterprises Inks First Deal, Builds Momentum Toward Creation of Lifestyle Brand
Company Enters Into Agreement with Circle Group Holdings to Promote & Market Z-Trim(R), a Zero Calorie Fat Substitute
LAS VEGAS, Dec. 2 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- George Foreman Enterprises, Inc. (GFME.OB), the lifestyle brand company launched to harness and leverage the George Foreman brand name, today announced a new venture with Circle Group Holdings, Inc. (AMEX: CXN - News) to promote and market their Z-Trim® zero calorie fat replacement ingredient to major food companies, QSR and restaurant franchises, the health and wellness community and the consumer market. The transaction is the first venture announced since the launch of George Foreman Enterprises, Inc. last August.
"We created George Foreman Enterprises, Inc. to build a lifestyle brand that harnesses the power of the George Foreman name," said George Foreman, Co- Chairman of George Foreman Enterprises. "The agreement with Circle Group is the perfect way to kick start our new venture as this deal will help us begin to actualize our vision of creating a lifestyle brand empire based on health, fitness, quality and the embodiment of the American dream. Z-Trim is designed to help people lead healthier, more active lives, and that is exactly what George Foreman Enterprises was created to do. As everyone knows, I love to find terrific products that everyone doesn't know about just yet. Z-Trim is my new secret, and I am looking forward to working toward turning it into another national treasure."
Z-Trim, which was developed by Dr. George Inglett, a leading scientist at the Department of Agriculture, and then exclusively licensed by the U.S. government to Circle Group, is a natural zero calorie fat-substitute made from the hulls of corn, oats, soy, rice, barley. The product lowers 25% to 50% of calories and fats in most foods without negatively affecting taste or texture.
"After years of research and development, we have unquestionably proven that Z-Trim® can substantially reduce harmful Trans and saturated fats and add healthy insoluble and soluble dietary fiber which can be beneficial to heart patients and diabetics," commented Dr. Inglett. "As our nation's obesity crisis continues to mount, we believe Z-Trim can be a powerful tool in helping people to lead more healthy lifestyles, particularly as the product can improve digestion without any of the negative side effects sometimes associated with other fat substitutes."
Z-Trim, which is being marketed as both an ingredient brand to major food companies and restaurants, as well as a product sold directly to consumers, is anticipated to receive a welcome response from both key audiences as it generally can't be detected when formulated correctly in dairy, dressings, dips, sauces, baked goods, processed meats, snack foods, cookies, pies, cakes, icings, brownies, bars, ice cream, milk shakes and many other foods.
"With an unprecedented track record of successful salesmanship, we are honored that George and George Foreman Enterprises have chosen to help bring Z-Trim to the public consciousness, with the ultimate goal of improving the health of people everywhere over time," said Greg Halpern, CEO of Circle Group Holdings. "This is sure to be a welcome addition to the current ingredient brands available to the major restaurants and food companies, and a terrific zero fat product option for consumers, particularly as our nation continues to struggle with its expanding waistline."
Highlights of the new venture include:
-- George Foreman Enterprises and Circle Group Holdings will form a
jointly owned limited liability company for the specific purpose of
promoting Z-Trim. This LLC will have the rights to use George
Foreman's name and likeness to promote Z-Trim.
-- George Foreman Enterprises shall have the right, subject to Circle
Group Holdings' shareholder approval, after performing certain
marketing and media activities, to convert its interest in the LLC into
up to 50% of the then outstanding shares of Circle Group Holdings.
-- The venture contemplates a targeted and intensive media campaign,
spearheaded by George Foreman, including multiple print media, national
network, cable television, and radio appearances.
-- George Foreman has a personal policy of only endorsing products that he
strongly believes are highly beneficial to the public. In line with
this policy, and owing to George's strong personal belief that Z-Trim
is the right product at the right time, the agreement is an equity-
based partnership rather than a straight cash endorsement deal.
About George Foreman Enterprises, Inc.
In August 2005, George Foreman Enterprises, Inc. entered into a series of definitive agreements with former world heavyweight boxing champion George Foreman allowing the company exclusive future use of his name, likeness, and personal services through the assignment of his intellectual property. The company is designed to leverage the assets of one of the most powerful celebrity athlete brands of all time. George Foreman Enterprises, Inc. will exclusively handle all future business developments related to new uses of George Foreman's intellectual property and prospective licensing agreements. See also The company seeks to maximize the George Foreman name through licensing, join ventures and/or the acquisition of operating companies. Prior to August 2005, George Foreman Enterprises was known as and then MM Companies.
About Circle Group Holdings, Inc.
Circle Group Holdings, Inc. ( ) is a pioneer of emerging technology companies. Circle Group Holdings provides small business infrastructure, funding and substantial intellectual capital to bring important and timely life-changing technologies to market through all early phases of the commercialization process. FiberGel Technologies, a wholly owned subsidiary of Circle Group Holdings, owns the worldwide rights to Z-Trim for all fields of use. Invented over many years by Outstanding Senior Research Scientist Dr. George Inglett at the United States Department of Agriculture, Z-Trim is protected by three issued U.S. and International patents with more than 54 additional patents pending. Circle Group Holdings' press releases are available at
About Z-Trim®
Z-Trim is a natural zero calorie fat-substitute made from the hulls of corn, oats, soy, rice, barley that lowers 25% to 50% of calories from fats in most foods without negatively affecting taste or texture. Z-Trim generally can't be detected by consumers when formulated correctly in dairy, dressings, dips, sauces, baked goods, processed meats, snack foods, cookies, pies, cakes, icings, brownies, bars, ice cream, milk shakes and many other foods. It improves texture significantly; makes meats juicier, baked goods moister, dips creamier. Z-Trim lets you to eat more of the foods you love without fear of weight gain and allows you to lose weight without giving up the foods you love. Z-Trim adopts the flavor and mouth feel of most recipes and reduces aftertaste in most foods. It has been proven in studies that a majority of consumers prefer Z-Trim foods over their full-fat counterparts. Z-Trim can substantially reduce harmful Trans and saturated fats and adds healthy insoluble and soluble dietary fiber which can be beneficial to heart patients and diabetics. Z-Trim can improve digestion without any negative side effects sometimes associated with other fat substitutes. Z-Trim has been featured on Fox News "Your World w/ Neil Cavuto"; USA Today, Chicago Tribune, as well as local affiliates of NBC, FOX and CBS.
Forward-Looking Statements and Risk Factors
Statements made in this news release that relate to future plans, events or performances are forward-looking statements. Any statement containing words such as "believes", "anticipates," "plans", or "expects" and other statements which are not historical facts contained in this release are forward-looking, and these statements involve risks and uncertainties and are based on current expectations. The discussion of forward-looking information requires management of the company to make certain estimates and assumptions regarding the company's strategic direction and the effect of such plans on the company's financial results. The company's actual results and the implementation of its plans and operations may differ materially from forward- looking statements made by the company. The company encourages readers of forward-looking information concerning the company to refer to its prior filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission that set forth certain risks and uncertainties that may have an impact on future results and direction of the company.
The venture with Circle Group is subject to the company's limited due diligence cancellation condition in the event that third-party analysis of Z- Trim ® shows results inconsistent with Circle Group's claims of benefits and safety, or based upon the company's determination after meeting with food manufacturers regarding the prospects of securing contracts utilizing Z-Trim ® and George Foreman in future product campaigns. The company has 60 days from the date of the Agreement to exercise this right. Furthermore, Circle Group is required by American Stock Exchange regulations to obtain shareholder approval prior to issuing 20% or more of Circle Group's common stock pursuant to the new venture. In connection with forming the new venture, the parties will enter into more definitive detailed documentation that will contain more detailed terms of the venture consistent with the agreement.
The company's business will depend on the exploitation and protection of its intellectual property. The company's success will depend primarily upon its ability to exploit and protect the intellectual property rights that George Foreman and George Foreman Productions, Inc. have assigned to the company's majority-owned subsidiary George Foreman Ventures LLC. Foreman has entered into numerous licensing, endorsement and other agreements over the last decade, and there can be no assurances that a third party will not assert a claim to some or all of the intellectual property rights that the company believes have been assigned to George Foreman Ventures. In addition, the United States Patent and Trademark Office may cite preexisting trademark applications and registrations by third parties against, and prior trademark owners may oppose, future trademark applications by the company or George Foreman Ventures incorporating the George Foreman name. Further, even if the company or George Foreman Ventures were able to obtain acceptance of its trademark applications by the U.S. PTO, a significant number of similar marks registered by, and licensed to, third parties could diminish the value and protectability of the intellectual property held by the company or George Foreman Ventures.
Participation in litigation or regulatory proceedings in the U.S. or other countries, which could result in substantial cost to and diversion of energies by the company and George Foreman Ventures, may be necessary to enforce the trademarks and other rights assigned to George Foreman Ventures, to defend the company, George Foreman Ventures or third parties against potential infringement claims asserted by others or to determine the ownership, scope or validity of the proprietary rights of the company, George Foreman Ventures and others. The parties to such litigation may be larger or better capitalized than the company and better able to support the cost of litigation. An adverse outcome in any such proceedings could subject the company and/or George Foreman Ventures to significant liabilities to third parties, require them to seek licenses from third parties and/or require them to cease using certain or all intellectual property, any of which could have a material adverse effect on the company's business, operating results and financial condition.
Investor Relations:
Efrem Gerszberg
Andrew Bard
Source: George Foreman Enterprises, Inc.
ahhh...but it doesn't seem bad either.....
haven't heard crap from there.
CXN in Forbes....and it ain't pretty:
"Gregory Halpern knows how to hype. Shares of his publicly held company, Circle Group Holdings, quadrupled in price early last year amid reports that its new fat substitute, Z-Trim, was being tested by Nestlé. As the stock spurted from $2 to $8.50, Halpern's 35% stake in the company he founded rose to $90 million. He put out 56 press releases last year."
Gregory Halpern at Circle Group, in Mundelein, Ill., used this approach against his nemesis, Nick Tracy, a.k.a. Timothy Miles. After the first attack Halpern contacted the blogger's lawyer but got nowhere. He demanded a correction, only to get mocked:Miles posted on his blog an audio file of a perturbed message Halpern had left on his voice mail.
Halpern had better luck, however, when he allied with Gayle Essary, who runs the FinancialWire online news service and had tangled with Miles, too. Halpern dug up details on Miles (his photo and Oregon driver's license; his links to a litany of questionable companies; his claim to be an ordained minister; his Web site that describes a mysterious crystal that contains a message from God) and fed them to Essary. Essary did 15 articles on Miles without citing Halpern as a source, and when Halpern heard from people asking about Miles' allegations against Circle Group, he referred them to FinancialWire, saying it had "exposed this guy a long time ago."
Halpern also used a new law, the Digital MillenniumCopyright Act, which requires hosts to take down copyrighted material used without permission. He confronted Miles' service provider and threatened to sue for copyright infringement and libel; the ISP pulled the plug. But emerged days later at a second service. In three months Halpern pursued Miles through nine ISPs, finally giving up and filing a libel suit in state circuit court in Cook County, Ill. in June 2004. He accuses the blogger of orchestrating a short-seller scheme to send Circle stock plunging. Miles insists he never sold short or acted on behalf of short-sellers.
Miles, who says he misrepresented himself as Nick Tracy because "I wanted to be discreet," has abandoned and moved from Oregon to Slovenia. He claims he is outside the Illinois court's jurisdiction. The judge disagrees. Miles says he plans to appeal. He has set up a new site,, and insists he is a bona fide investigative journalist: "I tell the truth, and it's never pretty." This drives Halpern nuts:"It's amazing that an anonymous guy can put out a report full of lies and then be so self-righteous."
After anonymous attacks spread to Yahoo, Halpern moved in court to force Yahoo to reveal who was behind the sniping. In September a state judge in Illinois ordered Yahoo to reveal the names. A lawyer for the secret posters is trying to settle without turning over their names, Halpern says. Yahoo declines to comment on the case, but Halpern argues that Yahoo and other carriers should step up: "They make money selling ads on these message boards, and the controversial material generates the most traffic. So they're benefiting from this garbage. I think they should take responsibility for it."
Halpern has had less luck getting anyone inCongress to listen to his plaint. He says that may change if a few politicians get a taste of what he has gone through. "Wait until the next election rolls around and these bloggers start smearing people who are up for reelection,"Halpern says. "Maybe then things will start to happen."
Z-Trim Makes Chicago-Area News as a Functional Food That Reduces Fats,
Not Taste
Two separate articles appeared in up to 55 Pioneer Press newspapers in
the Chicago suburbs today, each heralding the benefits of Z-Trim.
The first article, entitled "No-Taste, No-Waste Wonders", covered the
topic of functional foods and the health benefits they carry in addition
to the nutrients they contain. In the article, American Dietetic
Association spokesman Dave Grotto identifies the trend that is creating so
much interest in Z-Trim. "It's very clear consumers are tired of hearing
what they can’t do, and now they want to hear what they can do," he
Also spotting the trend, Robert Kushner, M.D., the medical director of
the Wellness Institute at Northwestern Memorial Hospital, said that
products like Z-Trim illustrate how food companies are responding to
public calls for healthier processed foods.
The second article, entitled 'Functional Foods', reviewed Z-Trim
recipes in the 'Foods' section and related that writer Stephanie Fosnight and
Food editor Carol Mueller were 'impressed' with the full taste, less
fat benefits of Z-Trim. Fosnight remarked that 'If nobody had told us
about the calorie-reducing and fiber-increasing replacements, we never
would have known they were there.'
The articles are posted to the Pioneer Press web site at:
CONTACT: Phil Versten, Dir. of P.R. (847) 549-6002
FiberGel owns the worldwide rights to Z-TRIM for all fields of use.
Invented over many years by Outstanding Senior Research Scientist Dr.
George Inglett ( at
the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Z-TRIM is a
patented, zero calorie, multi-functional, fiber food ingredient from corn that
lowers carbohydrates, calories, and fat in most foods without affecting
taste or texture. For more information about FIBERGEL TECHNOLOGIES or
to order the product, visit
CIRCLE GROUP HOLDINGS, INC. ( is a pioneer of emerging
technology companies. The Company provides small business
infrastructure, funding and substantial intellectual capital to bring important and
timely life-changing technologies to market through all early phases of
the commercialization process.
Forward-Looking Statements
Statements made in this news release that relate to future plans,
events or performances are forward-looking statements. Any statement
containing words such as "believes," "anticipates," "plans," or "expects," and
other statements which are not historical facts contained in this
release are forward-looking, and these statements involve risks and
uncertainties and are based on current expectations. Consequently, actual
results could differ materially from the expectations expressed in these
forward-looking statements. Reference is made to the Company's filings
with the Securities and Exchange Commission for a more complete discussion
of such risks and uncertainties.
Copyright 2005 Circle Group Holdings
FiberGel Technologies Inc., Z-Trim, is a trademark of Circle Group
Holdings, Inc.
(This is a re-release if you missed the recent TV news shows. They can
be seen by clicking the links below)
Italian Food Markets Trimming Trans and Saturated Fats with Z-Trim
For aficionados of Italian cuisine who would prefer it with fewer
calories from fat, FiberGel Technologies has great news. The August and
September was accented with Italian food partnerships for Z-Trim, the zero
calorie fat replacement specialty ingredient made from corn, soy or
non-GMO oat fiber.
Over the past couple of months, FiberGel Technologies has made news
with Z-Trim’s use in various food, bakery and distributor lines, while
news coverage also focused on Italian restaurants, and in Italian food
products such as salad dressings and frozen deserts distributed by
various food companies.
In St. Louis, for example, Fox News produced a 4-minute segment on how
famed chef and restaurant owner Joe Sanfilippo uses Z-Trim in his
restaurant, J.F. Sanfilippo’s, to replace up to half of the fats in sauces,
dressings and deserts. Patrons, reporters and nutritionists featured in
the segment could not taste the difference between the traditional
recipes and the lower fat Z-Trim versions. The news segment can be viewed
Z-Trim’s use by another favorite St. Louis restaurant, Candicci’s was
featured in a similar story on another network three weeks prior. That
link is at:
In addition to the growing popularity of Z-Trim for incorporation into
menu items in Italian restaurants, FiberGel has fulfilled orders from
other Italian food interests, including manufacturer/distributors. A
well-known Italian food products company, for example, will use Z-Trim in
their brand name salad dressings, to be sold directly to restaurants
and grocery chains. The company, whose name has been omitted for
competitive reasons, has been in business for over 30 years.
As well, Z-Trim’s value as a healthy, zero calorie fat replacer in
deserts is demonstrated in another food company’s line of frozen Italian
deserts, per an agreement FiberGel has with a maker of Italian pastries.
"This agreement with this company to include Z-Trim in their products
is important to the progress of Z-Trim," said Rick Harris, VP of sales
and marketing. "The frozen food industry is one of our target markets."
These products will be sold in major food store chains in nine states.
Z-TRIM Product Line
The Z-TRIM product line consists of Z-TRIM zero calorie fat replacing
Gel, Z-TRIM zero calorie fat replacing Powder, DON’T WORRY EAT HAPPY
PAPAYA SEED GOURMET DRESSING (50% less fat and 40% fewer calories), DON’T
WORRY EAT HAPPY Awesome Chocolate Chip Cookies (25% less fat and
calories), DON’T WORRY EAT HAPPY Outrageous Oatmeal Cookies (25% less fat and
calories), DON’T WORRY EAT HAPPY Phenomenal Fudge Brownie (33% less fat
and cholesterol free), DON’T WORRY EAT HAPPY Premium Flour Blend (25%
less fat, 80% less carbs, 10 times the fiber), NATS and NATS FOR PALM
FiberGel owns the worldwide rights to Z-TRIM for all fields of use.
Invented over many years by Outstanding Senior Research Scientist Dr.
George Inglett ( )
at the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Z-TRIM is a
patented, zero calorie, multi-functional, fiber food ingredient from corn
that lowers carbohydrates, calories, and fat in most foods without
affecting taste or texture. For more information about FIBERGEL TECHNOLOGIES
or to order the product, visit
CIRCLE GROUP HOLDINGS, INC. ( ) is a pioneer of
emerging technology companies. The Company provides small business
infrastructure, funding and substantial intellectual capital to bring important
and timely life-changing technologies to market through all early phases
of the commercialization process. All Company press releases are
available at
Forward-Looking Statements
Statements made in this news release that relate to future plans,
events or performances are forward-looking statements. Any statement
containing words such as "believes," "anticipates," "plans," or "expects," and
other statements which are not historical facts contained in this
release are forward-looking, and these statements involve risks and
uncertainties and are based on current expectations. Consequently, actual
results could differ materially from the expectations expressed in these
forward-looking statements. Reference is made to the Company's filings
with the Securities and Exchange Commission for a more complete discussion
of such risks and uncertainties.
# #
Posted by: friendlyfred
In reply to: HotrodHans who wrote msg# 71387 Date:9/25/2005 8:10:37 PM
Post #of 71390
OT: It is getting ready to break a major downtrend line which signals the markets unwillingness to either sell off or short it lower. If it honors the line it will probably drop further but it doesnt seem to be doing that. Many traders and investors will buy if it shows chart strength.
Told ya man....not rubbing it in as I know you probably cleaned up but if you have any friends in who plan on holding for years thinking this scam is the Splenda of Nutrsweet of Fat Replacers.... get them the f out IMO (yes, it could go higher from here but long term holders are dead meat at any price imo)
hate that shit.