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Is the Holcomb's alternative setup in Belize with their Bitcoin stash bought with Investor funds?
The U. S. courts take forever to serve justice.
Especially to two-bit Con Artist.
Hopefully one day that will be the next thing that gets gutted and reformed.
Oh, and where is Duplicitous Mr. 10% Dan C...... his in bed with the African scammers taking kickbacks...
Ah, the grand illusion continues! Holcomb has been feeding investors the tired old tale that they are “winning” or have already “won” their legal battles—what a spectacular work of fiction. The reality? They are losing 'every single one'. Case after case, ruling after ruling, the walls are closing in.
And yet, silence from dubious Holcomb wife - Ellen. No triumphant investor update? No carefully crafted fairytale about their legal “victories”? One must wonder—has even she run out of ways to spin this disaster? Or perhaps the looming consequences have finally hit home. Ron get Pioneertec to write some spin 😂.
B&K Energy Court Case update - Lawyers owed $175k for 5 months work - Lawyers concerned that Holcomb and dubious wife are flight risk.
Ron, please pay the Holcomb legal fees, ask your director from whom you fleeced millions of dollars from for the African funding scam Insurance Bond 😅🤣😂
Filed - Holcomb Bankruptcy - Read this Mr. Loudoun:
Assignee of Gradient Technologies, LLC and
Delaware Limited Liability Company
Plaintiff/Judgment Creditors,
v. Case No.: 2024-CA-001267-NC
To Each Sheriff of the State:
YOU ARE COMMANDED to levy on the property subject to execution of Defendant, Robert R.
Holcomb, M.D. in the sum of $16,000,000.00, until paid and to have this writ before the court when satisfied.
DATED on January ___, 2025 KAREN E. RUSHING
As Clerk of the Court
In the case of B&K Energy, filed in the Chancery Court of Davidson County, Tennessee (Case No. 23-1020-II), attorneys Seth R. Ogden, Nathan I. North, S. Chase Talbot, and the firm Patterson Intellectual Property Law, P.C., have submitted a motion to withdraw as counsel for Defendants Robert and Ellen Holcomb due to non-payment of fees. This motion underscores the Holcomb's' ongoing financial and legal difficulties. The official court records can be accessed through the Davidson County Chancery Court's website.
Oh, without a doubt—Ron Loudoun and the Holcomb's will attempt to milk the HES fantasy for every last drop throughout 2025. After all, why abandon a lucrative con when there are still a few unwitting investors left to fleece? They’ll keep up the charade with vague promises, bogus partnerships, and the ever-hilarious claim of “New Physics,” all while dodging mounting lawsuits and regulatory scrutiny. But the cracks are widening, and soon enough, this absurd house of cards will come crashing down—leaving them exposed for the frauds they truly are.
I wish you good luck with your investment. As i have said previously my beef is with Holcomb- the rest of Astra's portfolio is something i know nothing about and i have no interest in it. Maintaining truth in matters of physics/engineering is and always has been my motivation.
You are so right, a simple demo like you suggest would be worth a king's ransom if it worked and money would flow in. The fact that this has never been done is telling.
They ABSOLUTELY Claim Over Unity
Over-unity is a term used to describe something
that produces more energy than it consumes
I am in agreement. The lack of communication leads me to agree with PC for now and focus on Africa and a hail Mary.
It would be so simple and make news around the world. A Walmart parking lot, a 5KW ILPG, a car battery, invertor, a few hot plates and pots of water all running in a self looping manner running for a few hours. Stocks would either drop to nothing or chase and then pass bitcoin within a month.
Ah yes, the classic "You wouldn't understand—it's New Physics!" A truly sophisticated way of saying, "We have no clue how it works either, but just trust us!" Are we absolutely certain these bosses aren’t long-lost cousins of Dr. Holcomb and his ever-dubious wife, Ellen? The resemblance in charlatanry is uncanny.
Except they don’t claim over unity.
So what is your motivation to be here spreading what could meet the legal standards for defamation?
You would think they would do all they could to support their claims
If you can fall for a Free Energy Scam
you can fall for anything....
It is not like it would take more than 1 entire afternoon to figure this out
even if you had ZERO knowledge of physics or science.
A simple scan with Google of the thousands of Free Energy . Over Unity
nonsense would be all it should take for anyone running a legit business.
Oddly I have direct knowledge of a very large corporation that got SCAMMED on
some "New Technology". The big bosses were morons and it all came to a crashing
end when the person I knew literally pulled a plug on the "New Technology " device demo
The Genius "inventor" did not know it and kept demonstrating the device working some how....
When the moron bosses were told what he did they turned white and realized they were done.
That cooperation's new technology group was shut down and everyone fired.
Note.. The bosses initially told my friend that he probably won't understand the device. it was "New Physics" ....
It’s downright comical how Ron Loudoun and ASRE have remained utterly silent about being duped by the African funding scam. Clearly, the scammers saw Ron and his band of clueless amateurs coming from a mile away, swindling them out of millions with that laughable insurance bond scheme. How could anyone fall for something so absurd? It truly raises questions about their ability to run a company—though, given the stock’s nosedive, the answer is glaringly obvious: they can’t.
The other ASRE operations are about as real
as the HOLCOMB'S HES BS....
Ron Loudoun, your plummeting stock price is a direct reflection of your astonishingly poor decision to continue propping up the Holcomb's and their fraudulent energy narrative. Despite mounting court cases exposing their deceit and Dr. Holcomb’s history as a convicted fraudster, you persist in selling this sham to the market. The investment community has spoken loud and clear—your credibility is in ruins, and the financial markets are responding accordingly. The writing is on the wall, and it’s anything but pretty.
System Maintenance This Weekend - upgrading to the Holcomb Energy System to reduce costs 😂🤣
ASRE has forever associated itself with a FREE ENERGY CHARADE
A laughable joke of a silly failed Pump & Dump routine that ALSO
puts ASRE in HUGE LIABILITY for openly making FALSE CLAIMS
Anyone OR Company that claims they have a device that can get more energy on output than they can on input IS LYING. PERIOD.
ASRE is still in DEEP DEEP Trouble.
The ASRE AFRICA STRING ALONG has been going on for over 3 years now....
December 9, 2021
Astra Energy Inc. Establishes Itself in Africa Investing in Clean and Renewable Energy Projects
Astra Energy Inc. announces initiation of joint ventures to develop and deploy energy transformation opportunities to meet Africa’s rising demands for modern renewable energy sources.
HPS is all but irrelevant at this point. If Africa funding materializes everything else is a moot point.
On the contrary i believe i can make statements of fact on these matters. I have seen images of his gizmos and i have seen the circuitry associated with the patent application that was rejected and i can assure that they are nothing more than simple transformers. Every switch mode power supply, of which there are countless examples use the exact same principle and these have never shown the slightest indication of excess energy- most have efficiencies in the 60-95% range and never 100% or over. Using the concept "energy from electron spin" is akin to saying the pink unicorn supplies that extra energy.
I appreciate how you now acknowledge you cannot make any statements of fact regarding whether this technology works or does not work, and instead have been sharing your opinions.
One would need to pose that question to a physicist. I am of the opinion that there is ZERO energy that can be harvested from electron spin. I have pointed out before that what Holcomb is doing is no different to a transformer with switch mode primary energisation and such arrangements are ubiquitous in industrial power systems and an excess energy has never been seen with such arrangements.
When a claim is made the burden of proof lies with the claimant, not with the skeptics to disprove it. I could claim, for example, that i had a magical new process that turns lead into gold and i am willing to sell you that process. You cannot disprove my claim and it is up to me to prove it to you. Same with Holcomb's gizmos which have never been subjected to independent scrutiny.
You are correct, when you have used up the fuel, you either need to replace it or your machine stops. This is the same for any device, because energy cannot be created. There is always a fuel source that is being used up and needs to be replaced.
How long will it take before nothing else can be harvested from the electron spin within the system, and what would the cost to replace be?
If it’s low time/high cost, it’s unworkable. If it’s low time/low cost, it could be. If it’s high time with any cost, it could be.
There is NO difference.
I know the HES Device is an "act", it is an ongoing fraud
that has been used to fleece dozens of suckers out of Millions of Dollars
for decades now.
The magician CANNOT teleport a person for the same reason the HES Device
cannot generate more energy than it has on onput.
Becasue it is impossible.
And like the magician wanting to keep the truth about reality from everyone,
The Holcomb's will do everything possible not to allow close inspection of the
device and the claims.
Witness Verification is nothing more than a magician audience's veiw of a show.
REAL SCIENCE would NEVER restrict multiple proper scientific authority to PROVE their
devices work as claimed...
It would ONLY help them.
In the case of this FREE ENERGY BS it would make them BILLIONAIRES a hundred times over
in just days.
.... and yet they don't.
The difference being you know the magician is an act, no one has disproven the on site testing. The reactive power readings are very misleading but battery voltage remaining fairly constant for a six hour substantial load needs additional and near constant external energy input. Get one of your engineer buddies to disprove it on site while videoing, else your words mean nothing.
Let me get my violin ready for same tired music about to play.
The core issue isn’t Tesla or others—it’s that Holcomb Energy, led by convicted fraudster Dr. Holcomb and his wife Ellen Holcomb, have been exposed as fraudulent, facing multiple court cases for deceiving investors with their sham energy contraption. This scam, which continues to be supported by the woeful Astra Energy, its CEO and Board, implicates them as complicit in the same dishonest practices. Instead of fostering innovation, they have all built a house of cards to fleece investors under false pretenses, leaving their credibility in tatters.
Claiming some "New Technology" is Witness Verified is proof
that something works is beyond ridiculous.
It is literally the equivalent of going to a magic show, having the magician "transport"
a woman from one box to another box across the room and say
He has a teleportation device.
Not only did I see it, 100 other people witnessed this miracle device and
I not only that, have seen the show 10 times.
It is all the proof I need to claim World Changing Teleportation Technology
No one can challenge the teleportation at any time.
And if you dare say that it is not real then you have to PROVE it is not Teleportation.
Dc can produce quite spectacular arcs but this phenomenon does not generate any extra energy. There is no evidence whatsoever that Tesla had a Pierce arrow powered by vacuum tubes- this is one of many myths surrounding that great man. As regards Holcomb's claims this is nonsense- if you pour a pint of liquid out of a glass you cannot refill it with less than one pint. Bedini and a host of other scammers claimed "overunity" but none of these ever worked out. You cannot "magic" energy out of nothing, you always have to pay for it one way or another.
Tesla was curious why low voltage DC main lines would arc as much as 20'-30' when initially powered, some speculate this is how he ran the vacuum tube powered electric car. It could have been as simple as the motors first spinning and working as an ignition coil due to the reversing polarities in the rotor, no way to really prove it though. Anyway, Holcomb states he uses a small amount of power to realign the poles and this is where the excess energy is generated. Bedini claimed over unity, but it appeared to be more of a highly efficient battery charging process. Even if the Holcomb device only works on batteries in a self loop mode as witness verified, this is still incredible technology.
The problem with Holcomb is that he claims to harvest the energy of the electron spin in iron atoms. Even if this could be done what replenishes that energy? You cannot take energy out of a system and expect it to magically replace itself, ie there must be an ultimate source/fuel to make such a scheme work. The same applies to a car and once you have depleted the fuel in the tank you must refill or grind to halt.
I would say you are the more rational and reasonable of the skeptics on here, and I do see you make similar posts on other projects. This suggests you are not here to profit if it fails, unlike the other loud voices here.
That being said, I’d like to draw your attention to the words you just said:
“I do not look at youtube videos and i base my statement of fact on simple scientific principles: it is not possible to deliver energy without some ultimate fuel/source of energy.”
You previously acknowledged that Holcomb does claim to have a fuel source and has clearly stated what it is. The above statement is not relevant here.
Your next position is that Holcomb’s energy source “is nothing more than a transformer and no transformer has ever been demonstrated to be a source of energy”.
You aren’t explaining or showing or highlighting why there can be no source of energy here. You are saying it hasn’t been proven before, so it can’t possibly be true here.
Can you acknowledge that the factual position that you continue to take here - the technology can’t possibly work - isn’t actually supported by sufficient facts to make the assertion? You are skeptical of his claims because they feel close enough to free energy scams that you’ve seen countless times?