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I provide VERIFIABLE links, just ask if I forget to add in post!!

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Alias Born 02/19/2005

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I provide VERIFIABLE links, just ask if I forget to add in post!!

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I provide VERIFIABLE links, just ask if I forget to add in post!!

IHub Info
Membership Type: Level Icon
Followed By: 449
Posts: 30,171
Boards Moderated: 2
Alias Born: 02/19/2005 07:29:38 AM
Personal Info
Age: 61
Location: Great Country of Texas
Investment Philosophy: Buy real good growth stocks that pay a dividend for the long haul
Occupation: Doing whats right.
Hobby: Exposing many many TEXAS STOCK SCAMS since 2005,yes 20 years.
Favorite Quote: If ya mess with a Crow, you will end up getting the pecker!
Default Signature: I have been exposing SCAM stocks for over 19 years now. Battin 1000