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Alias Born 03/12/2012

Re: PC retired post# 6836

Thursday, 09/12/2024 12:55:57 PM

Thursday, September 12, 2024 12:55:57 PM

Post# of 7182
I wonder whatever could be your motivation for posting things that are so very easily refutable. Anyone can easily research the company and its work to come to an understanding which is exactly the opposite of what you post.
It almost seems as though one could not care less about the work that has been undertaken to develop this and the huge investments made to properly document everything as required by the SEC and OTCMarkets.

This comes off looking like an effort to keep the market price as low as possible for one's own personal gain, either by producing the perception that all is disreputable here in every way...thereby lowering the value of shares in the eyes of the marketplace...and/ or by short selling. Imagine working hard to produce something useful to others only to have anonymous people work equally hard to disparage and to damage your work only because they can make money for themselves by doing so. NO better way to ruin morale, to discourage discovery and innovation in either the public or the private sector. Is this what is going on here? If yes, how do you support efforts you think are worthwlhile?
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