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RJ Trotts

02/23/06 11:16 PM

#483 RE: primate investor #474


I am with you, ALOT of folks talked about this yesterday. But the fact is NO ONE, knows IF the RegDex was filed for the:

1- retirement of shares over the past week??
2- increase of the float over the past week??
3- OR more dilution??

I know that Dan and Company have addressed MANY things over the past several weeks. I hope that he addresses this RegDex, and puts this issue to the side, as he did the NO r/s PR.

The other thing was I do NOT like the idea of it being at ASStrom's Business Address? But I guess MAYBE, to give Dan the benefit of the doubt, he will change the SEC Paperwork to Vermont or Colorado, AFTER he changes the name and symbol? I am really not sure??

I would love to have an explaination from Dan and Mgmt. about this issue? Have yourself a great night...RJ