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03/03/14 5:10 PM

#23979 RE: VBgood #23978

''make personal attacks''-you mean-like calling me the ''Village Idiot''for DARING to DEMAND accountability and REMIND them of the MULTIPLE missed deadlines?150 K mid tier producer, spinout of PDI,drill results,missed projections,details of the Lom Poy moose pasture Fifer bought for a song and pawned off on us, retained interest in COPPER? you want me to go on?

whats sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander....

by the way-WHO called this one?[just check the chart before answering-ok?]


03/04/14 10:23 AM

#23987 RE: VBgood #23978

Well VB....grow up and move on. There have been personal attacks from both sides of the fence. If you dont want to contribute, then so be it but don't sulk, its unbecoming.

Putting that aside, we have been talking about the company and performance. The reason there has been a lack of pro PTQ supporters is simple.....there is nothing to be pro about. How could a pro PTQ investor honestly think that things are going well ? The overall consensus by the majority is that PTQ is not performing as one would hope for.

What are your thoughts on the last quarter? Were you happy about how much they produced and or how much they lost? One bad quarter does not make or break a company, however it appears to be the norm as of now. Aren't you concerned about PTQ not being able to pay down their debt? Aren't you concerned about PTQ being a 100 000 oz producer sometime this century. Aren't you concerned about PTQ not being that great of a friend to FQ ? Aren't you concerned that in the latest PR they state that they are "hoping" for a deal to be reached. Aren't you concerned that this deal wont be the be all to end all? What happens to PTQ if this material deal falls through ?

I could go on but I wont.

It dumbfounds me that people on these boards take offense to the negativity by posters when the company fails over and over and over. Think of it like this....if I continually punch you in the stomach over and over again, how would you spin that into something positive ? It is called reality.