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03/04/14 11:16 AM

#23988 RE: badge792 #23987

Badge, I don’t mind negative post , what I dislike - are personal attacks, but enough of it.
Petaquilla - yes, I am not happy.
I am not happy with 3K oz. being produced and I am not happy with negotiations.
We have reduced production due to yearly maintenance , but overall production is running on minimum level so this coming Quarter will be bad also.
At this point Petaquilla finances don’t look good so we need this Deal . And that is why I am hopeful,
hopeful that Deal will allow PTQ to “fix things up” pay DB-off,
Hopeful we get production going 100% by 4-th Quarter ,
hopeful we get Spain back .
hopeful that by end of the year gold is at $ 2000 oz. and we making profit again.
Of cause I am concern, I think Petaquilla is “down” but not “out”, yet, let see what Richard will pull out of hat,
He might surprise everyone. GL.

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03/04/14 12:38 PM

#23992 RE: badge792 #23987

Hello Badge...

I too chose to move on...but continue to buy aggressively.

There are attacks that are opinions and complaints, some justified, some not. Then there are criminal misstatements and posted falsehoods that are known to be false, by the poster in declarative first person statements, that in fact prohibit the posters, who are well known to authorities, from setting foot in Panama. Such is the condition of the famous little lady of CR, and several others.

Then there are those who denigrate factual information brought to the board and never ever present any credible or factual analysis of their own.

Then there are the posts well archived calling for the death of ones families, the death of the poster, the death of management, and asking for someone to perform the necessary put down of mentally handicapped or rabid dogs that are posting herein. That is why this board degenerated as did the one on SH to their present state.

Some do understand the circumstances and actual events that bring us to this point today. Some do as a result of actually investigating in first person by traveling to Panama, Spain, Portugal, Canada, talking to the people responsible, and learning first hand the facts and options before us. Some have even gone as far as sharing knowledge of events and posted photos confirming their travels and efforts, paid for with their own money, with the board. There is still I believe one picture on the abandoned I-Box showing three who spent many thousands of dollars traveling to all three countries standing in front of the PDI building and Molejon. They attempted to share, asking nothing in return, and were ridiculed, and false statements were made about them.

You can give me not one reason why any of these knowledgeable people should share any information here about the company and its planned future, let alone ongoing events.

So about twenty of us do have a very good handle on events that are transpiring, but you will not see much of that shared here. I can tell you there are those who are in constant contact with management and are extremely pro-active. There are those who know nothing and have no resources to learn anything, and do nothing but denigrate, whine, and complain.

Personally, I buy regularly, so does my circle of acquaintances. We have managed to lower our breakeven over the past year or so to about $0.38 cents. We are very comfortable with that range. We see little downside risk and feel that we will be well rewarded. If others feel differently, then they make their own decisions and should take responsibility for their actions.

As to participating here...not really worth the time as their is little constructive dialogue, and a lot of childish taunting and ignorance displayed.

We have made a lot of money thus far with the company team, and expect to continue. We are very happy to call them our friends and have shared life among our families for many years. We wish you good luck, and have moved on as we continue to buy, very comfortable in our own skin and with our investments. I would encourage you to buy FQM heavily also. It is much more liquid and has sufficient dollar volume to give you flexibility.