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11/30/13 11:18 AM

#260502 RE: moxa1 #260501

This is why the founding fathers hated political parties ... There are far too many whom have sworn allegiance to one of the two main parties.

They may say different things, but are pretty much doing the same things. Both parties are stuck in the Imperialism of this country and the Monroe Doctrine of Eminent Destiny just so long as it benefits the U.S. The true costs for the rest of the world are of little consequence even though we are outnumbered by about 7 Billion to 300 Million.

Greed, Usury, Vanity, and Sloth are sins that are trademarks of this chosen way of life, even though their religions teach them differently.

"Blessed are the PeaceMakers, for they will be called the Cildren of God" - Jesus

"There is no Path to Peace. Peace is the Path." and "An Eye for an Eye will make the whole world Blind" - Gandhi

"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed." - Eisenhower

"If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other." - Mother Teresa

“When machines and computers, profit motives and property rights are considered more important than people, the giant triplets of racism, materialism, and militarism are incapable of being conquered.”

Martin Luther King, "Why I Am Opposed to the War in Vietnam"



11/30/13 5:44 PM

#260505 RE: moxa1 #260501

And which system of government and commerce is preferred? Look at this list, and tell me how many received their ill-gotten gain from capitalism and the American way of life?


12/01/13 11:02 PM

#260531 RE: moxa1 #260501

"Our true moral compass, the Constitution and Bill of Rights, are nothing but ancient artifacts to be discarded by these people, many of whom think they are true patriots. "

The above statement and your post it closes, show you to be a judgmental person. (I almost called you a judgmental twit, but thought better of it.)

What's on your Ratriots litmus test? Believing the US Government was behind 9/11, the Boston Marathon and Oklahoma City bombings? When does the Moxa Call to Action Doctrine kick in? When Coney Island is invaded? Or would it ever kick in? You think we so called Patriots are OK with killing millions. It's only fair that I question your "core beliefs"

You are big on talking about our Founding Fathers, the Constitution, Bill of Rights, undeclared wars, the MIC. According to you, Bush was a law breaking liar, that got The USA into undeclared wars.

He isn't alone. Founding Father, Thomas Jefferson, wrote the Declaration of Independence and was instrumental in drafting the Constitution. I think he had a pretty good grasp on what the Founding Fathers had in mind when they ratified The Constitution.

Between 1801 & 1805 he sent US forces across the World to fight the First Barbary Coast War. He sent US Uaval Forces and the US Marines to fight Tunis, Algiers and Tripoli. The US Merchant Navy had been harassed for 15 years, by Muslim Barbary Pirates. But hey! They hadn't invaded Coney Island.

Do you think Jefferson was in the pocket of the Rothschilds? Or maybe the Musket & Cannon ball MIC?

He had the approval of Congress, but there was no Declaration of War. Sort of like Bush's situation with Iraq & Afghanistan.

I'll bet his address to Congress, requesting their approval, went something like this.

"In the course of human events there comes a time when we must kick ass and take names."

To further burst your bubble about our Founding Fathers and Undeclared Wars. In 1815, Founding Father, James Madison, sent US forces to fight the Second Barbary Coast War.

In that War he put US boots on the ground in Alexandria, Egypt and marched over land to capture a coastal strong hold, east of Tripoli. He also kicked ass and took names.