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11/30/13 8:15 PM

#260524 RE: SOROS #260505

SOROS - I prefer a system of capitalism where everyone has an equal chance at success, not just the moneyed few or those born into it. I love entrepreneurism and wish the little guy had as much chance of success as the rich. It used to be so, but with corporations ruling this country it is no longer. They have bought our entire government so only they can benefit from our laws as they create them for themselves. This is wrong, this is vulture capitalism, fascism, and monopolistic capitalism. Globalism is now taking over from them so soon we will lose our sovereignty to international concerns. I want to restore the Republic, restore our Constitution, Bill of Rights, and rule of law. People who have usurped these laws and documents must be held to account. They have been allowed to get away with their thievery for too long. Banks and financial institutions all must be reigned in. Lax oversight has allowed them to steal trillions of the Peoples wealth and treasure. This must stop. The MIC, in conjunction with congress, SCOTUS, and POTUS, have also been allowed to steal trillions with little to no oversight. How can we rebuild our economy, our infrastructure, and our industrial base when all the money goes into the pockets of these criminals. It has got to stop or we WILL be like Iraq and other third world countries in the near future.