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11/29/13 10:08 PM

#260494 RE: moxa1 #260493

I didn't forget them. I thought a reasonable person could see how the USA has helped move Afghanistan into modern times. Huge problems along the way. And more in the future.

My hope is that the exposure to the USA and ATO forces will show them that there is more in the World than herding goats. We have put thousands of them to work. From digging holes in the ground to running offices. They have learned what it means to get a day's pay for a day's work.

Their work translates to roads, schools (that women can attend) clinics and hospitals.

We have shown their women that there is a different way than what the Taliban had for them. Many of those women will remember what it is like to deal with a society that has some respect for hem. They won't forget.

Iraq is a different situation. Had Saddam not been a raving lunatic, he could have been a stabilizing factor. We kept the religious wars that are raging, somewhat under control. Shouldn't be hard to do when dealing with the Religion of Peace.

But he was a raging lunatic. As bad as things are now, the Government isn't throwing bound men off roof tops. The Kurds aren't faced with brutal treatment on a regular basis.

Their economy is better than it was when Saddam and his boys were spending he nations money for tanks and weapons so he could pursue his dream of being The Head Arab in Charge. Something like the HMFIC. Today's leaders could be stealing as much as Saddam did.

Iraq has an elected Parliament. Women are being elected. Exposure to Western influence, Iraq's oil industry is greatly improved.

Right now, I don't know that the cost of Iraq & Afghanistan will be worth it to America. But I've been talking about what America's influence has meant to the countries and people that we have touched.

My guess is that you think of yourself as a :"Glass half full" kind of guy. But when it comes to the actions of the US government you are a "The Glass is Bone Dry" sort,.

Now go find some happiness. Watch that Video, again, about the US Government being responsible for the Boston Marathon Bombing.



11/30/13 6:42 AM

#260495 RE: moxa1 #260493

Madeleine Albright - 60 Minutes
