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11/30/13 9:40 AM

#260501 RE: shermann7 #260495

There are those in America, including some on this board, who think America can do no wrong, that our brand or "democracy" or capitalism is something to be forced upon the world, and that any price isn't too much in order to achieve these goals. Killing tens of thousands, even millions, isn't too much of a price in order to spread our influence. Spending our hard earned tax dollars on the killing machine (MIC) is a price we must pay for our influence to be spread. Never mind the Constitution which limits the ability to wage war upon others. With the stroke of a pen, and a liars speech, we can now bring our way of life at the point of a gun or better yet the end of a drone's missile. We are supreme upon the earth, we are the real chosen people. I'll never forget a conversation I had with a very dear "friend" who is 25 years my senior. I was upset that we had invaded Iraq and killed so many innocent people. She looked at me and said "those people are animals, they are beneath us." This is the mindset of racist, elitist, sheltered people and the elitists that control this country right now. Life and the lives of other human beings mean nothing to them, it is they, and their way of life, that is all important, that is the only "civilized" way. I never let my feelings be known to her because she is a patient of mine, but I was truly taken aback and disgusted. Sadly there are thousands just like her in positions of power, wealth, and influence. Some even post on this board. The Republic is lost I'm afraid. Our true moral compass, the Constitution and Bill of Rights, are nothing but ancient artifacts to be discarded by these people, many of whom think they are true patriots.