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11/05/13 3:28 PM

#212922 RE: 3Saints #212913

that you prefer murder over life and justify it as womens choice is pathetic.

And how do you justify THIS statistic? Where's all your pro-lifey stuff when it comes to actual humans?

New study finds 45,000 deaths annually linked to lack of health coverage
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11/05/13 3:41 PM

#212923 RE: 3Saints #212913

3Saints -- abortion isn't murder, liar (eom)
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11/05/13 6:20 PM

#212932 RE: 3Saints #212913

Only in some religious wacknuts is abortion murder. Unlike you I don't believe in forcing a woman to carry a baby to term, I'm not in her shoes and thankfully you aren't either. It's not your effing decision and it's legal in civilized countries. You're mindset doesn't care about people once they are born - as a matter of fact you make it tougher for them. That's why 45,000 people dying because they should die because they don't have health insurance says more than I want to know about you. Unfortunately you have spawned children and I only hope they are nothing like you but I suspect the apple does not fall far from the tree.
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11/05/13 7:30 PM

#212934 RE: 3Saints #212913

How the right plays with murder: The antiabortion movement’s cycle of violence


How I Lost Faith in the “Pro-Life” Movement .. bits ..

The anti-birth control crowd leaves out one very important fact: a woman’s body naturally rejects at least 18% of fertilized eggs. This means that if you have unprotected sex that leads to the fertilization of an egg (30% chance of successful fertilization), the resulting zygote has an 18% chance of being rejected by the uterus. The human body naturally performs “abortions” almost 20% of the time. So does taking birth control actually increase the chances of zygote abortion, or does birth control actually reduce the chances of this occurring? Let’s do the math.

Without Birth Control:

* Out of 100 fertile women without birth control, 100 of them will ovulate in any given month.
* Out of those 100 released eggs, 33 will become fertilized.
* Out of those 33, 18% will be rejected by the uterus.
* In a group of 100 women not on birth control: 6 zygotes will “die”

With Birth Control:

* Out of 100 fertile women on birth control, around 6 of them will ovulate in any given month.
* Out of those 6 released eggs, only 2 will become fertilized.
* Out of those 2, 100% will be rejected by the uterus.
* In a group of 100 women on birth control: 2 zygotes will “die”

So let’s get this straight, taking birth control makes a woman’s body LESS likely to dispel fertilized eggs. If you believe that life begins at conception, shouldn’t it be your moral duty to reduce the number of zygote “abortions?” If you believe that a zygote is a human, you actually kill more babies by refusing to take birth control.
.. also ..

.. putting aside the inanity of your inane zygote is a person
lie .. even within your framing personhood promotes murder ..

3Saints, do you really believe every woman is a naturally born killer?

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11/06/13 8:59 PM

#213040 RE: 3Saints #212913

"Wendy Davis Redefines ‘Pro-Life,’ Enrages Anti-Choicers"

“I am pro-life,” she told a University of Texas at Brownsville crowd on Tuesday. “I care about the life of every child: every child that goes to bed hungry, every child that goes to bed without a proper education, every child that goes to bed without being able to be a part of the Texas dream, every woman and man who worry about their children’s future and their ability to provide for that future. I care about life and I have a record of fighting for people above all else.”
“This isn’t about protecting abortion,” Davis explained in the same appearance. “It’s about protecting women. It’s about trusting women to make good decisions for themselves and empowering them with the tools to do that.”