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11/07/13 3:45 PM

#213071 RE: arizona1 #213040

Arizona...Abort the end it's just less welfare dirtbags...better?
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01/18/14 12:57 AM

#216974 RE: arizona1 #213040

Death Threat Against Wendy Davis Found On TX Attorney General Greg Abbott's Facebook Page

Wed Jan 15, 2014 at 04:26 PM PST

Pretty amazing what some people will post on a public forum - and on Texas AG Greg Abbot's Facebook page .. .. by Johnny Bones .. .

Bones' post remained on Abbot's page for about an hour before being removed by the page administrators. It's also been reported to Facebook, Gregg Abbot, the FBI, and Senator Davis. Here is the link to the post .. .. where the comment was made. They get pretty ugly on there - the Right and the Left. And here is the excerpt with Johnny Bones' death threat:

It would be nice if Johnny Bones were to get a felony charge slapped on him, though that's for the authorities to decide. The difference between this story and the 'Christian' Militia' .. .. story where a man named Everest called for Obama's death on Facebook, is the FBI is most likely waiting for Everest to make a move so they can lock Everest up for life. Mr. Bones should at least be investigated.

Every day in the news we can see/hear of gun violence and gun deaths. Just this week a man was killed and his wife injured in a movie theater .. .. for texting his 3-year old daughter's daycare. There was also a school shooting .. , and a mother who killed her teenage children then herself .. . That's just what I read. Gun deaths since the Sandy Hook massecre one year ago last month, have well-surpassed the number of troops that died in the Iraq War.

Please visit Campaign To Unload .. .. and Mom's Demand Action For Gun Sense In America .. .

Special thanks to Danny H. Quinn.

See also:

Christian Militia Claims 'Authority' To Shoot And Kill Obama

Black Lawmaker Receives Death Threat Over Gun Bill: ‘There Will Be Blood! I’m Coming For You, N—–’

Yee Says Death Threats Won't Deter His Gun Control Efforts