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10/31/13 6:55 PM

#22582 RE: mjkiii #22581

I don't know where to begin so I will start from the top......

Yes, we all know Q1 is going to suck, so in reality it shouldn't be that much of a surprise when it happens. Anyone who looked at the year end report will know, and whether they like it or not, accept it for what it is. Cant do anything about it now except improve from it, I hope.

No longer the potential for a spin out......that was the biggest farce that transpired for years. Did I mention for years. Talk about dangling a carrot in front of investors and then yanking it away from them. I understand from a business point it may not be feasible, but were they planning on telling anyone

Everything looks very long term from here....MJ you have been saying that for...wait for it.....years. There comes a time that investors would appreciate a return on their money and enjoy it before they die. You keep buying on the principal of DCA. Thats great, however don't you want to make a healthy return eventually before aliens invade the earth in the next century ? Your opinion is that we wont see any increases until april 2014 and when that fails, it will be summer, then fall, then winter, then 2015. These are penny stocks, not blue chip my friend. My point is, it just keeps getting bumped further and further ahead. Oh look we had a bad quarter...oh look we couldn't pay our debts....oh look we are now focused on helping our neighbor, oh look its raining, oh look we cant secure funds to operate, etc etc etc.

I will bet you the majority of posters are no where as long term as you are around here. You may be long term because YOU see the potential of PTQ, while the rest of us are here either to break even and or to make a few bucks and then get the hell out. To each their own I guess.