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10/31/13 7:13 PM

#22583 RE: badge792 #22582

Not bad, Badge, but let not jump to conclusion with PDI. Something is going on, we don’t know. Are negotiations on a way to sell PDI?
But according to company site PDI is still mentioned in some places as a "spinner":
?" Currently annual production at 70,000 gold equivalent oz. at Molejon mine in Panama with plan to increase mine life with the Botija Abajo and Palmilla deposits
? Cooperative new relationship with First Quantum Minerals, owner of the $6.2 billion Capex, Cobre Panama copper project, next to Petaquilla’s Molejon mine
? Petaquilla’s wholly-owned subsidiary, Panama Development of Infrastructures (PDI), has US$75 million to US$100 million Aggregate and Screened Rock contract in place with Minera Panama S.A.
? Plan to spin out PDI to shareholders. Shareholders will receive 1 share of PDI for 4 shares of PTQ they own.
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10/31/13 7:49 PM

#22586 RE: badge792 #22582

"I will bet you the majority of posters are no where as long term as you are around here. You may be long term because YOU see the potential of PTQ, while the rest of us are here either to break even and or to make a few bucks and then get the hell out. To each their own I guess. "

Maybe some of the major shareholders are getting value out of the company in a different way other than stock price appreciation.

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10/31/13 8:13 PM

#22589 RE: badge792 #22582

As you say to each his own.

Not looking to argue, but just telling it like it looks to me at the moment. Been here for about ten years. Expect family to be here at least another generation. Me...not so much because I am old and will die soon. Circle of life you know. Bottom line we are very happy to be positioned here at the start of the development of the Panama mining sector. We will have a very nice piece of the pie. We owned Inmet, we own FQM, and we certainly own a whole lot of PTQ. Whether it produces now, or five years, or ten years is really no concern. THE POINT BEING IT WILL PRODUCE AND THAT IS ALL THAT MATTERS. Very sound and safe investment from our point of view. Gold does not rust, rot, or eat, and no one is going to steal it. Same for the copper.

Really can't address the question about working for someone and not getting paid. Can assure you we have had businesses that did not succeed and certainly did not get paid!! No risk- No reward. Or as the French say,"Those who do not risk, will never drink champagne."

The majority of posters here probably have not been invested nearly as long as we have. Actually our family has been here since 1541. They probably don't control 5% of the shares that we do. Yet the dichotomy is they spend far more time vexing and stressing over what is actually not very much. We know the players, we know the territory, we think we know the future. If you don't agree, that's cool. But, why do you begrudge us our vision and want to argue? If you don't like management and your situation, then change it. We are happy, we support management, we are in control, and we will progress we believe. What others do, or like, or don't like, really is irrelevant to us.

I wish you luck whatever you do and just tell it as I see it. My opinion is free to you and supported by a lot of pro-active involvement, personal knowledge, and observation. No guarantees though!

As to PDI, if I recall...It was scheduled for a vote several years ago. Then a canvass of stockholders showed it would not pass, so the vote was canceled. Then the DB loan prevented a spin out and still does. Then it became apparent to all, that it was much more valuable to the company to retain it during these tough times and with the Cobre-Panama opportunity. Reasoning and facts are mentioned many times in PR's and discussions over the years. Referring it to as carrot is just an ignorant statement. Anyone and everyone who has been involved, in a pro-active manner, has been constantly aware of the situation, and the prudent reasons behind each decision. I for one, have been saying for a long time that I had changed my mind since 2010 and did not want to separate the companies. History I think is proving me right. Everyone one was just did not come to class...or you were sleeping.

If you do not agree, then please present you analysis that tells you how we will see a great improvement in share price before 2015. It is not there in my opinion. Of course I am probably wanting ten times as much as you do to sell our shares. Fortunately for us, most large shareholders are on our side. If you don't like that then all I can say is you missed a good chance to sell and leave; you can't say you were not told. If the wind should change and somehow FQM ends up with the company, we will still be fine since we invest there also. The key to success as I see it is to invest constantly as long as the future looks good to you. That is Buffet's advice and he has done very well.