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Thor, God of Thunder

10/21/13 9:41 PM

#39432 RE: rich pearl #39431

Brilliant. Thank you.


10/21/13 9:44 PM

#39433 RE: rich pearl #39431

And I thought "down on news" was their mission statement. Great Post.


10/21/13 10:11 PM

#39434 RE: rich pearl #39431

Excellent post! Thank you for the your time and well thought explanation.


10/21/13 10:15 PM

#39435 RE: rich pearl #39431

Excellent post rich pearl - thanks so much.


10/21/13 11:02 PM

#39436 RE: rich pearl #39431

Nice write up. Just to add to it, the monthly share volume you noted are year to date up until September (the October monthly share volume report won't be available until November).

The share volume of culprits known for "dumping" shares from January-Septmeber 2013 on RANF:


As I alluded to, we have yet to add the October monthly share volume to the above tally. Thus far in October, RANF traded `270m. Ascribing a 30% (could be higher lower...just ball parking here)share volume from the above MM's, gives us 81m. 434+81=515m shares "dumped" into the market by the above MM's.

You noted that 450m were converted from certificate to street during the past year and indeed the CEO himself confirmed that old shares came off restriction (believe someone alluded to ~400m shares that came off restriction and the CEO stated they were almost done).

Were other shares dumped into the market via another avenue (aside from the 400m+ shares that came off restriction)...dunno. A 400m+ dump of shares alone would cause an extended depression in pps (this stock has had a boot on its neck for months). Comparing the volume contribution of the above MM's with the 400m+ shares that came off restriction, one would conclude that we should be at the tail end of the flush out. If indeed the flush out is nearing an end, then we have some nice upside here. If unencumbered by a non retail seller, RANF can pull a powerful move...we'll see soon enough. GLTA


10/22/13 9:07 AM

#39441 RE: rich pearl #39431

Thank you Rich. Very astute, as always, and hard to argue. Though I'm sure someone will either find a way to do just that or, better yet, simply ignore it, altogether.:)

Have a good one, Lou


10/22/13 9:21 AM

#39443 RE: rich pearl #39431

You just wasted alot of time posting about the past dilution when what the entire topic of the conversation is the coming dilution.
Richard just a few days ago kicked the shareholders in the face by purposely gagging the transfer agent so he could start the dilution of the remaining 1b shares in the authorized. He doesn't want anyone to know how many he is diluting when he starts here so he called up the transfer agent and told them not to tell investors anymore what the o/s is. That's so scammy and he has lost the trust of
even his most faithful, including me. This is going to turn into a blood bath here as he starts pouring on the dilution.

Richard just did a deal with Asher on his other ticker for financing, I suspect were going to see Asher here on RANF any day now.


10/22/13 9:21 AM

#39444 RE: rich pearl #39431

Fantastic response Rich. I'm thinking about copying to use on a couple of other boards, figures and name changes of course. Because it fits most of these sub-pennies at one time or another.

Your right, all us "longs" must be here to hold until hell freezes over. Heck I know I just would hate to gamble on a 100% trade increase over my avg pps knowing that someday, somehow, it might be 200%!

And you are also right, those who understand or what to understand what you said will absorb this. Those who don't, well you can lead a horse to water right? But could luck getting it to drink if it doesn't want to!


10/22/13 9:22 AM

#39445 RE: rich pearl #39431

No legitimate company calls their transfer agent and gaggs them to hide the share count from investors. WE ALL KNOW that there is a huge amount of dilution coming, hence why there is a massive wall at .0005 right now, as everyone is trying to bail out before this sinks.


10/22/13 1:11 PM

#39486 RE: rich pearl #39431

Good post Rich. I have been saying for a long time the company had not been diluting big as RANF. Some keep posting it is but facts don't support it. You see same facts I do. It went from 317million to 817 million long ago before as AUCI. Of course many would come off restriction form back then. Looks like most if not all in float now. Then he said he issued more to take us over 900 million to pay off debt. That is how we got to current o/s from a few years ago of 317 million when AUCI. I have not seen any big new dilution since becoming RANF. 90 million IMO is not big. That is all that were added to issued as RANF. The financial reports filed show this as well. It has said 817 million for many filings. Next one will go up but he told us what was issued. Then with a float over 700 million even on bigger volume days we trade low % of that. It's not big company dilution some accuse of when looking at the facts. They do file balance sheets to know this. Yet some just choose to ignore facts.


10/22/13 1:22 PM

#39489 RE: rich pearl #39431

Thank you!!! RANF