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09/11/13 12:01 PM

#147552 RE: indyjonesohio #147550

I thought I was very clear. I just wanted to know about the contract that WW said was "in house". I thought you would know.
I do not recall mentioning it's size, but if it was not significant he would not of mentioned it, no?


09/11/13 12:04 PM

#147553 RE: indyjonesohio #147550

"The LTASCorp pipeline clearly had some more six figures passing through even though the amounts were not released (just my guesstimate)."

How can a guess be clear?


09/11/13 8:51 PM

#147559 RE: indyjonesohio #147550

Indy, since you're being such a stickler about the use of the word "contracts", I would counter that when referring to "milestones", we should attach a timetable to those milestones. No one gives a rip if all those milestones you listed are achieved five years from now. Many shareholders, like myself, would have wanted to have seen those milestones met already.

I know you've mentioned Sept.-Oct. for the next BiB spiral and $5 million in revenue for this year. But what about funding? When's that going to happen? When are the commercial BiB sales going to occur? And when is the company going to finally sell an Argus airship? (Oh yeah, the company says 2012... no, I guess it's going to be 2013... no, make that 2014...)

So many here praise Glenn for the fine job he's doing, but ignore the fact that sales are growing at a glacial pace. It seems to me that the time it takes management to achieve these milestones should be a big part of the discussion when evaluating management's job performance. I know that I'm not going to receive a good job performance evaluation if I tell my boss that a project will be completed next week and then go on to complete it six months later.

(BTW, unless those six-figure contracts you speak of are numerous, then not only is WSGI going to miss your $5 million revenue projection for the year, it's going to miss it badly.)