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NASA publishes Stratollite Test!!!
World View Stratollite Test
So much fun mocking the Kool-Aid drinkers
One of the best of times was when we said we were going to hand out Protest flyers at the Airship Conference that Scamelite was the MAIN SPONSOR for. One mor-on actually alerted the company and they prepared a rapid response team to deal with us if we actually showed up!
Where is the tether for the trailer hitch?
Didn't the Scamelllite sell Dengue Fever Kits? To the MOOOOOON!!!
Chinese spy balloons?
Well, no stratellite yet, but Chinese spy balloons seem poised to take on its role!
"Weather Barroon - Totary not for Spying"
He was wrong in the end (obviously). Did he ever show back up and admit he was totally wrong about this POS company?
All of them (Frank, Warp, and the rest of the fanatics here) sort of just slipped away.
I guess that’s the way it goes with most penny players. It’s all wonderful, with pots of gold at the end of rainbows, until all of a sudden the music stops and no one has any chairs to sit in!
I miss WarpCore61
Post #92799 of 157290
Cole, we shall see in the end who was right. The game isn't over as far as I"m concerned, even though I'm sure you've decided it is. Either I will admit you were right all along, or I'll be too busy managing my millions from this investment to care. I may very well be wrong, but I continue to see potential here, and I'm continuing to add to my shares, for the possibility of enormous returns if I'm right.
It would be nice to hear from him again, probably too busy managing his millions from this investment.
The Pumpers of this Dumpster Fire were such easy targets because of their incredible stupidity! I would collect the most hilarious examples, and send them to some friends. They in turn would forward the summary. I later discovered that a Project Manager for Lockheed Martin's High Altitude Airship was getting a copy of these and he was ROTFLHAO!
Great to hear from one of the gang. We need to have a reunion... this was one of the funnest boards ever!
Wow! It seems China has a Stratellite! Did Tim defect? Lolololol!
A semi-permanent, stratospheric-ish cell antenna. Still seems like a good idea for service in remote areas.
I wonder if Tim Huff and Smiling Jones are enjoying the money you invested in their empty promises.
Funny, everything Tim promised has come to pass...without Tim. Except the stratellite. Have any of you heard of anything similar? That actually works?
Hi Cole. It's been a while.
The Airship Consultant to SMDC.
He saw how the first Sanswire (the whale) was leaking so badly, they almost ran out of helium from a trailer full of big helium cylinders, before they finally got it to lift itself off the barrels, for the briefest of times.
Everyone at SMDC was ROTFLTAO when WGSI paid to Sponsor that LTA Conference, because everyone else knew what a joke WSGI was, and did not have a snowball's chance in Hell of winning any contract. But all the dumb Pumpers just lapped that sh!pt off the floor, saying "Yum Yum Yum!!!! Can we have more, please??"
I know another sub-contractor to SMDC who gave me his opinions.
I must sadly report the passing of a great LTA consultant. For he saw Sanswire, WSGI for what it was. R.I.P.
So, the concept of the Stratellite was real; and it looks like Amazon is bringing the plan of low altitude satellites to offer blanket coverage for the internet, around the U.S., forward. They are preparing to launch its first 2 satellites. DAMN IT! It's too bad that Tim Huff ever became involved with the venture, and that Vern Koenig's life was short-lived. I'm guessing Vern apparently sold off his intellectual property rights and the following development emanated from that intellectual property. Anyway, imho, this should have developed for GlobeTel/Sanswire/World Surveillance Group, Inc. Did I missed one, between Sanswire & WSGI.
Article from 2019:
Amazon is Launching a Home Internet Service – Everything You Need to Know
Dec 12, 2019Blog
Amazon is a household name. The E-Commerce and digital retail giant recently announced their plans to offer a high speed home Internet service under a subsidiary called Kuiper Systems, led by former SpaceX vice president Rajeev Badyal. Amazon’s current plans include launching 3,236 satellites into Earth’s low orbit for their network. With that many satellites, Amazon’s broadband services would cover about 95% of the world’s population, reaching even remote and rural areas.
Low orbit satellites are the key to offering low latency, widespread broadband. Since high speed cable Internet isn’t widely available to rural areas, new low orbit satellite systems are a viable substitute to reach more customers. FCC studies have shown that 21 million Americans lack fixed residential broadband while 33 million Americans don’t have access to high speed mobile services. Amazon aims to close that gap with their long term Kuiper project.
Amazon isn’t the only company looking to the sky, hoping to be the first pioneer in the broadband space race. The FCC has approved nearly 13,000 low orbit satellites, including 11,943 for Elon Musk’s Space Exploration Technologies Corp. SpaceX recently launched two low orbit test satellites for home Internet services. Those tests have proven to be very successful as reports say SpaceX is planning to launch 4,425 satellites to power their Internet services. OneWeb is also in the race against Amazon and SpaceX with plans to launch 1050 satellites into orbit. OneWeb successfully launched six satellites in February and obtained a set of priority spectrum rights from the ITU in August.
Internet access is becoming less of a luxury and more of a necessity in households as more and more services become rooted in connectivity. While it’s too early to know the cost of Amazon’s home Internet service, we can expect that the competition between Amazon, SpaceX and OneWeb will drive costs down for a while. Given that Amazon is already a leader in Internet related products with a strong customer base, the company is posed to boost their business by providing the very devices they sell with broadband Internet access.
Updated info:
Post of the year... 2014
"Cole, I always wondered when the blimp hit its maximum ceiling of 35 feet, did that include the 2' high truck bumper?"
Im in the same boat, 45000 shares with a loss of around 65k which i cannot take since fidelity will not buy them, TD AMERITRADE did and let me take the loss which i need now SO not sell other positions that should rebound in 2022. Fidelity says there are still pending matters which does not make it valueless. IS THERE ANY WAY OUT OF THIS TO BE ABLE TO TAKE THE LOSS?
I started out actively searching, hoping to find a potential ground-floor investment and ran across GlobeTel; like getting in on a fad before it gains popularity. GlobeTel's story was very convincing for me, and with former British Ambassador to the United States,Sir Christopher Meyer as COB, having a visibly positive relationship with then Pres. Geo. W. Bush following 9-11, investing in GlobeTel felt like a sure thing. Lower altitude satellites (Stratellites) sounded so achievable. Then Vern Koenig entered the discussion fray to explain the concept creating a full mental picture of the concept. I was further convinced from Timmy Huff's proclamation of GlobeTel's paradigm shift in technology. It all seemed so achievable. It would be very interesting to have some former executive/s of the company reflect on the company's legitimacy. Maybe, not quite enough time for statute of limitations has passed to avoid possible self-incrimination. Oh well, that's how the cookie crumbles with speculative investments; win some / lose some.
Me too, it's probably very interesting how people got so caught up in this stock. It would be fun to have a reunion and compare stories. How did you hear about the company? If you care to share...
I was a small-time player, thank goodness.
Hi Q-reus, nice to see one of the old posters. Hope you're doing well and didn't get burned too bad.
I'm shocked that this board is still up. I'm equally surprised that none of the former company associates ever spoke publicly about Globetel/Sanswire/World Surveillance Group, Inc. after the company dissolved, freeing them of the NDAs that might have previously prevented them from discussing past antics. Is anyone still out there?
I’m still sitting on 23,000 shares at a loss of $53,000.00
Do you continue to hold these shares in hopes it would merge? Would we get shares in new company or is this a done deal?
I'm surprised that this stock hasn't merged with some entity wanting to go public what with all the SPAC's and RM's going on. Would love to see it (not the company) come back to life.
What happened with Huff and the other weirdos?
Too bad you can't buy more. I am sure it is just the big boys holding it down like always.
I can't believe it board still has farrowing . Is the law suit still going on. My broker it is still penning.
Funny how Tim Huff's Magic Money dream came true, in spades, without him. Too bad he was a crook. We'd all be zillionaires!
WarpCore61 you were right.
"My guess is that they see it now!"
And there are probably still those who think it was taken down by some evil conspiracy, that you and I were part of.
As far as I could tell, Warpcore came to the realization that the company was a scam just before he left. I remember him getting into hot water with all the “Kool-Aid” drinkers after a few posts where he made his turn of heart public.
I used to argue and argue with him, Pagan and a few other hard core believers. Tried to make them see the light. My guess is that they see it now!
"I was accused of an advanced style of bashing..."
LOL I just wish Warp could lecture me about averaging down one more time.
I'm not sure but I'd love to put something together.
My all time favorite was the 1/100th scale of the original that was filmed on the kitchen floor and poked with a broomstick.
Remember the video I made of the sanswire blimp crashing at Edwards ? I had done it through a flight sim I had at the time and I was accused of an advanced style of bashing. I wish I could find that video.
Hey Risk and Cole. I was there when they pulled the giant blown up condom, that is until the guards kicked me out. Someone else was there taking pictures from the adjacent road. I never figured out who that was. A class reunion sounds good.
Mide. With respects...
We saw.
As GTEM is unsurprisingly dead.
Despite the contrary indications you harped about, she is completely dead.
How do you explain that?
Hey risk how the heck are you.
What is the equivalent of a class reunion on a message board?
Maybe the tenth anniversary of the balloon on the rope on the pickup in the used car lot...
I remember years ago when Huff was still on board I got a cease and desist letter from their "legal" department about "slandering" their company. I sent a response back that just said "no" and never heard from them again.
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WSGI Information
World Surveillance Group Inc SEC Filings
Industry: Aerospace Defense services SIC: 4813
Employees: 5
State of Inc: DELAWARE 2008
American Stock Transfer & Trust Company
New York, NY 10005
Company Authorized Shares: 1 Billion
Outstanding Shares: 706,057,033 as of May 5, 2014
Fiscal Year End: December 31
Officers and Directors as a Group: 31,983,672
All executive officers and directors of the
Company as a group hold 9.3% of the O/S
Board of Directors:
Drew West - Chairman
Glenn Estrella - Director
Kevin S. Pruett - Director
Anita Hulo - Director
Management Team:
Chairman of the Board
Drew West
Chief Executive Officer
Glenn Estrella
Chief Financial Officer
Jeffrey Sawyers
VP and General Counsel
EWA Government Systems, Inc.
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