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07/13/13 6:24 AM

#146671 RE: indyjonesohio #146670

Indy good morning from hot Amman, third day of Ramadan,

I intend to continue thanking you for the quality of the info you are sharing and the insights and opinions that while not stating facts allow for some deductive reasoning, all of it to be confirmed but with a high degree of probability.

Now when you say:

"I have a post written on the USAF and the Argus but I am still editing it for content."

I say "waiting for it with some deep sense of curiosity and more".

when you say:

"Pushing the Argus in front of the Army like George did was good because it got us the BiB and the LTAS Corp acquisition."

I say: "You have answered my question about why the acquisition went one way instead of the other"

And I would say it speaks clearly of an Argus related content and development as yet unspoken or at least outside the public domain that is nonetheless developing and taken very seriously indeed.

When you say:

"Great business opportunities. But, IMO, the Argus is NOT an Army platform, just like the BiB is not an Air Force platform."

I say: "We got LTAS, LTAS gave us the BiB and together (250%) they gave the Army what they needed. AND ALL OF THIS BECAUSE OF THE ARGUS."

For those in the knowing I would now ask an improbable question:

Has anybody seen John Galt? LOL!

Thanks again for your wealth of expertise and entertaining discourse. I read each and every of your posts.

Best as ever

Yours Monty

PS: Argus for the earth and balloons for the universe, an interesting article looking outwards, and once again preparing the public for the next stratospheric revolution, the last unexplored frontier of our planet at:


07/13/13 10:47 AM

#146672 RE: indyjonesohio #146670

What about the U.S. Navy?