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05/23/13 10:46 AM

#145905 RE: Renaissance #145904

Yup NOT good news at all..


05/23/13 11:13 AM

#145909 RE: Renaissance #145904

Check the weather for Sunday--I think winds were gusting at 24-30mph or more at ground level in the Pearson Ridge area. Probably higher aloft IMO. Remember the next day were the bad storms in OK. I suspect we will find they operated outside of the operating parameters--you are supposed to know winds aloft as well when launching an aerostat. I am more curious as to whether they lost payload or not--that is expensive. The envelope can break away above the payload on a BiB. Unless there is a manufacturing defect or they were within operating parameters given to them, this cost will all be on the Army. Breakaways are a common occurrence in Afghan TOO. I am also curious as to whether the automated cut down device worked. They seem to have confidence that it did by how they describe their expectation of a slow descent. Welcome to the wild world of aerostats! Having fun, IndyJonesOhio


05/23/13 1:09 PM

#145918 RE: Renaissance #145904

Ren, after thinking about it, even if it WAS operator flaw, I don't really care. There should be contingency plans in place in case something like that happens. Maybe there are and maybe we'll hear about them (but I personally doubt it, just my opinion), and maybe it will improve it long term. We won't know for awhile.

And I do appreciate all of your posts, and everyone elses. But I think that especially now, I personally won't get excited at all regarding the ARGUS. Even if it wasn't totally or partially the company's fault, they can't even get the BiB to completely work as it should. I say that there hands are even MORE full now, because of this.



05/23/13 11:37 PM

#145944 RE: Renaissance #145904

Wouldn't a BIB have a tracking device on it? If its payload was operational it could show by camera where it was. An accident or a test? Valuable info to have, in any case.
