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05/17/13 5:54 PM

#81184 RE: koonohiokala #81182

koono, your analogy assumes both the ball and the bat are real, and not vaporware.

fwiw, ServeNation was the reason i originally bought into PINR (now MIKP), as it seemed a compelling pink mono run candidate, esp given the Kistler/Carnes association with the shell.

i wasn't planning to own a film company.
i was hoping to profitably trade a financial concept that was most likely vaporware, but was well suited to the pumping hype of pink trading.

then Mark bought the PINR shell.
at first, we thought we'd lost SN, as it seemed Mark had only bought the shell, leaving all prior PINR assets with Kevin May.

turned out, Mark kept (or reclaimed) SN, which still seemed to have decent pink run potential.

well, that was all in early 2008, over 5 years ago.
and, to date, Mark has done nothing with SN, aside from the rosy projections PR that FINRA is currently choking on.

Mark's typical comment on SN is the high kick-off cost (~$250k has been tossed around).
but Mark extracted 5-10x that sum from MIKP shareholders by diluting MIKP to 11b OS before the 100:1 RS.

as such, it seems Mark never really intended to do anything with SN, being more keen on his film projects.

which is actually fine with me, if Mark can sell WS and ST for decent prices.

but, as Just1 notes, the key is what FINRA perceives as Mark's intention for SN.

viz, touting SN revenues in that fabled PR, while doing nothing to drive the biz fwd, could and should raise some eyebrows.

as before, my sense is the key to reinstatement is not FINRA believing Mark didn't play pump games with SN in the past.
rather, FINRA believing Mark will now walk a straighter path with the film projects.

of course, a key ingredient of that scenario is Mark giving FINRA a reasonably credible explanation of the SN PR, so FINRA can legally note that story, and close the SN discussion.

another key ingredient is FINRA actually caring whether MIKP ever trades again.

i remain cautiously optimistic, but also open to the scenario that MIKP could trade gray for years to come.