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03/20/13 7:04 PM

#24842 RE: Dan Simmons #24837

Was Gary's 2006 Compensation really $1,042,760 Million Dollars?

Unless the information Gary sent the SEC is appears Gary found a way to be Compensated $1,042,760 Million Dollars?

Section 10 Executive Compensation


The following table sets forth the aggregate compensation paid for services rendered during the periods indicated:

Doesn't the word Aggregate mean Sum or total

2006 Base Salary - $240,000
- $762,976 is listed as all other Compensation

Total $1,042,760 Million Dollars
? If true this is truly Disturbing IMO

Did the CEO spread False information?

10/02/2012 1:51pm

Did you make $1,000,000 in 2006? This keeps coming up on ihub. What's the deal?
Gary Kimmons
10/02/2012 2:52pm

No, I did not receive $1,000,000 or anything close to it. This is a deliberate piece of misinformation that a poster on IHUB has repeated ad infinitum. I have answered the question in detail several times but the poster has elected to ignore my responses.

Why didn't the CEO say there is a corrected SEC Filing that the public can view to back up his statements? Is this a misleading Statement?

Did Gary have Products and Revenue to justify this type of Compensation....if it is indeed correct?