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02/17/13 8:10 PM

#198465 RE: fuagf #198460

fuagf -- on that, Obama's full of crap -- seriously ill-informed

note that "Patent Progress" has nothing to do with The Center for American Progress (or any other progressive group), but is instead a face of CCIA ( ; ), an international lobbying group of primarily the BIG/monopoly/oligopoly (not small) electronics (and related) manufacturers who want to destroy any obligation of electronics (and related) manufacturers to pay ANYTHING to the inventors who have actually created the technologies the electronics (and related) manufacturers eagerly steal and use to make their profits

a key example of the "enemy" CCIA/Patent Progress wants to destroy is InterDigital, Inc. ( ; [the board which is the sole reason I even know of the existence of InvestorsHub]), which has for over 30 years now been one of the leading creators in the world of the technology that has made the entire wireless communications industry possible, all told by now having invested well over $1 billion of its own funds creating and patenting its own inventions (and hundreds of millions more trying to defend/collect royalties on its inventions) -- without InterDigital, that industry would not exist now as it does -- and over its entire existence, others have gleefully taken and used InterDigital's inventions yet fought like hell to avoid having to pay ANY royalties to InterDigital for the very inventions that have made their successes and profits possible

then there are all the universities and their various and sundry (typically at least partially government/taxpayer-financed) research efforts -- keep in mind that in this digital age, almost any invention having to do with (among many other things) DNA can be characterized as a "software" invention -- CCIA/Patent Progress would have things so that big business the world over could take inventions coming out of our universities and use them for free, fuck their inventors

as for the 5-year "software" patent idea, keep in mind that it often/typically takes longer than that to even try to pursue an infringer via legal means

perhaps this country's greatest strength in international competition is its inventions, its IPR (intellectual property rights) -- if CCIA/Patent Progress have their way, we'll just be giving the bulk and best of all that away for free -- which means, among other things, that there will be no economic reason left for anybody here who isn't already part of some big company to invent a damned thing -- as well as that this country's competitive strength will be greatly diluted, if not devastated

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