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11/10/05 7:40 PM

#2969 RE: panlprofits #2968

I am long and holding but I have to say that in the land of "pinkies" it is the company 99% of the time (especially when everyone is pointing to the MMs and naked shorting) that is behind it but I am hopeful this is the 1%.......IMO

The only way to stop it is to ungag the TA so everyone can follow the share count/structure and there is no chance that something is hidden..IMO

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11/10/05 7:41 PM

#2970 RE: panlprofits #2968

Think about how a company buys back shares...the process
involved....the way they will finance it.

It will all come to surface by the end of the 2nd qtr. next year.

IMHO...they should have just retired the shares and returned
them to the treasury.


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11/10/05 8:08 PM

#2975 RE: panlprofits #2968

"1) Though PBLS is pink, management is nonetheless prohibited from out and out lying to investors, hence, there is no PBLS-caused dilution, . "

Careful here if you are banking on what managment is percieved to be saying- the safe harbor is very tricky business and I think managment has been sufficently vague in there conversations to shareholders- and especially in their PRs.

Also - TNOG another pinky has been off on and on the SHO list while PBLS has not- indicating to me that shorting has been covered- at least to any major degree with PBLS.

I'm continually amazed that more longs are "OK" with the T/A being gagged. The most obviuos answer to why the stock is drifting lower during all the "accumulation" is either the company is selling shares and/or shares were used to fund several aquisitions and in turn are being sold . Now if PBLS is indeed selling shares here to raise cash-- to then buy back 100 mil shares- what does that tell you they think the share price will be in the near term? I mean- this is all hypothetical- but seems like selling into each pr will force the price down and inturn let PBLS load up at a much better price- all speculation- but this Evil market maker stuff is easily solved with a simple move by PBLS- Ungag the Transfer agent ! All in my opinion ofcourse!
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11/10/05 8:18 PM

#2981 RE: panlprofits #2968

you are not alone in your reasoning. Driving me nuts as well.
Just hanging in there until something breaks loose. Luckily most of it is in a Retirement Account, so don't really need to watch it every day...though hard not to. Hang in there!
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11/10/05 9:06 PM

#2997 RE: panlprofits #2968

Planprofits / Mastercraft.. I read your post,

I agree so much, I almost feel like I wrote it.
You position here is exactly where I'm coming from.

Wish you and all of us luck, but I don't think
luck is the answer. This one is in the bag, just
a matter of when the bag opens.

There's one thing here that simply doesn't meet the eye,
I don't know what that is, but I don't think it's the company.

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11/10/05 9:38 PM

#3002 RE: panlprofits #2968

See my post 2938 and you will see one theory.

Mike 2112 says he thinks it is the company that is behind it 99% of the time,(I think he gives MMS too much credit, percentage probably alot lower), and sees it as a negative. Let me say that the company has a very large holding and has already completed one buyback of shares. So viewing it as a negative does not hold much water which brings us to Eztradin.

Eztradin agreed the company is holding the price down but saw it as a positive that the company is holding price low so they can complete the buyout at a lower price.
This is very possible and much more plausible and is very logical.

Hardasset stated, "My belief is someone has shares in compensation for some long ago (5+ year ago) acquisition and is selling. We will get past this, in time."
He sees the light ahead but if someone is selling at .03 or lower they obviously have not looked at the company anytime recently as sellers should not abound with the fundamentals of this company along with the management being so good about keeping investors informed and easy to get in touch with.

Monkeyfrog thinks, "The most obviuos answer to why the stock is drifting lower during all the "accumulation" is either the company is selling shares and/or shares were used to fund several aquisitions and in turn are being sold . Now if PBLS is indeed selling shares here to raise cash-- to then buy back 100 mil shares- what does that tell you they think the share price will be in the near term? I mean- this is all hypothetical- but seems like selling into each pr will force the price down and inturn let PBLS load up at a much better price- all speculation- but this Evil market maker stuff is easily solved with a simple move by PBLS- Ungag the Transfer agent ! All in my opinion ofcourse!"
This is in line with eztradins explanation though monkeyfrog seems to think the share price will drop some more to accomodate an even lower price. This is possible but I honestly don't believe that managements goal is to lower the price any more. I honestly believe that they are trustworthy.

Kimbaray said he/she had been watching level II steadily and every 5-20 trades there was a 100k sell.
Now 100k is an even number and may mean nothing or it could mean that someone is intentionally trying to keep the price from rising just keeping it steady. From what I can tell from level II(assuming that orders filled at ask are buys and orders filled at bid are sells and matching orders discarded) there appears to be much more buying than selling. So theoretically the company could be buying(more) and selling(just a little) and PPS is steady.

Mac44 has two possiblities," 1.Dilution or 2. Dumping by previously restricted shares. Just theories with nothing to back me up except that after prolonged accumulation, 2 good PRs did not budge the stock."
I gave my opionion of dumping and do not see that likely, Dilution is a possiblity, some acquisitions may have been paid for by stock and the people who have the stock are selling because they need their money now(most likely if this is the case", or they have no faith in the PPS going up".

Although these explanations are very good and probably many more that I don't have time to cover: I still think the MMS are the ones to blame. After my conversation with Ron and Mike and their hesitation to release some other news because every time they release news the PPS goes down it leads me to believe that the company is not trying to hold down the share price. They seemed to think the PPS should still be rising. So I think the MMS are to blame here and I think they are to blame in a lot of cases. I could be wrong as I have been known to be a few times. lol

This is all just my opinion and thanks to all you guys for your opinions.

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11/11/05 4:25 AM

#3046 RE: panlprofits #2968

'panlprofits' - Run - Reverse - Re-balance - Replenish - Re-Rip- Reward - Repeat - SC.