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01/16/13 7:02 PM

#124728 RE: CompFixerz #124726

Sounds like you already made your decision... (If I were you I'd just hang in there)... Just an opinion... Good luck if you change your mind. (BTW... Noticed that this is your third post)...
Good luck.


01/16/13 7:03 PM

#124730 RE: CompFixerz #124726

You bought $401K's worth? 24M shares in the .017 range? And this is your first time posting?? What should you do? I suggest holding! Lol.


01/16/13 7:07 PM

#124732 RE: CompFixerz #124726

If what you have posted is true, you are a victim of your own decisions ... All of them bad, starting with "investing" in a pink sheet stock in the first place. Further, unless you were on margin, you could not lose more than 100% of your invested funds.

It is highly unlikely you will recoup your funds on the greys and this will stay there until it simply dries up and the scamsters move on to their next marks.

With this said, what do you think you should do?

lucky, mydog

01/16/13 7:09 PM

#124734 RE: CompFixerz #124726


no. absolutely none.


01/16/13 7:09 PM

#124735 RE: CompFixerz #124726

SUE the SRGE Scam and Sue your "friend".

SRGE was an obviously Fraud and its heading to Triple Zero's very soon.



01/16/13 7:11 PM

#124737 RE: CompFixerz #124726

Wow! My heart goes out to you friend, not looking good for you, holding runs the risk of not being able to sell as the volume slowly dies out, SRGE is a scam and will never move from the greys so try selling what you can while you are able, put in sells of 100 ,200, 300K etc. to dump. GLTU!


01/16/13 7:26 PM

#124746 RE: CompFixerz #124726

My advice, take the lost and move to greener pastures to make that HUGE loss up... Or you could hold out, but who knows when you'll make up that loss.

From now on the instant you get a whiff of that type of news proving fraud etc. Take your money and RUN.


01/16/13 8:24 PM

#124778 RE: CompFixerz #124726

I hope you the very best. You had lots of gut to put all your 401K into a penny stock base on a friend advice.

For now, SRGE does not sound good without posting any substantial news that can be verified with a second party.

I would advice you to sell if I know this is a scam company but I don't for sure. I am long on this stock base on upcoming news but it didn't turn out that great so far. If I sell my stock at .002 , I would only get about 300 hundred dollars.

Even this stock turn out to be a scam in the end, you can always earn back your money by working a couple job if it doable.

For now, I am holding on until the end because I can afford to lose it all with no financial hardship. Like the old saying "It's only money."

a BIG good luck to you.


01/16/13 8:30 PM

#124782 RE: CompFixerz #124726

...Should have sold into the volume yesterday. Good luck on the greys...


01/16/13 9:00 PM

#124796 RE: CompFixerz #124726

This is EXACTLY why people that don't own SRGE or buy pennies (anymore?) post here.

Far too many good, honest, hardworking folks get taken in by the allure of untold riches and DO buy more than they can afford to lose.

NOBODY that isn't cold-blooded likes to see people get robbed in plain sight. And that's what has happened here. The masked men behind these scams MUST be rooted out and held accountable.

I feel for you and everyone else that got caught up in this.



01/16/13 9:40 PM

#124820 RE: CompFixerz #124726


Check your self. Most you can lose is 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999%


01/16/13 10:12 PM

#124833 RE: CompFixerz #124726

Compfixerz, Unfortunate post to read but at least you posted and seem sincere in asking what to do as many also are in your situation. You are like many others holding here tonight and not knowing what to do. Many are anxious and apprehensive after losing their Money. You and all can read Posts by the 100's thru the day saying SRGE is going to move up and also read those saying SRGE is a scam. It is what it is at this point and quite honestly; I don't think many really care about that at this point but most are concerned about one thing and that is will they ever see some of their money back.

For the past two weeks I have posted lengthy Posts here and there on what to expect on SRGE once resuming trading on the Greys. I never once addressed anything about the actual Co (SRGE) as that is not for me to judge/promote or negate at this point. People want to know one thing and that is "What about their Money". I would urge you to click on my Profile and past Posts I have posted and read some of them from the past couple weeks since we were suspended and hopefully they will make some sense.

Tonight we are on the Greys as all knew would happen since the suspension was announced. Fact is Pennies do trade on the Greys while with no Bid/Ask. Some say trading Blindly. In essence it is but one can also watch the daily trading chart and get a "Feel" as to what they could sell at and buy in at. For instance today; most likely one would have been able to sell at 0015 and but in the 002 range.

For me, as I still hold my shares, I am holding out not for anything from the Company or that things are on the "Up and Up" but rather the mere fact that many Pennies I have been in over the years that were suspended did in fact rise "somewhat" after the initial resumption of trading and after the large "Hit" was taken on the first day as we saw Monday here with SRGE. There is a decent chance (not guaranteed) that the pps might uptick here somewhat to a little higher level than we are at which would allow one to sell with a few more Dollars than had they sold Monday or say today. There is also a risk that the pps may drop further but from those I have been in that were high momentum Plays prior to their suspension most ended up rising up a bit in the few weeks after the suspension. Not all but some.

Is it tough being in this situation? Yes! I can't say what to do nor will I but hopefully what I have posted can at least give you and some possible scenarios. Each person has to make their own choice as what to do here at this point.

Personally, I am holding for a bit yet not that I am expecting some stellar news from the Company but rather that the pps might uptick a bit and I might be able to recoup a bit more of my investment upon my sell had I done it Monday or today. That is just my personal choice.

I wish you the best and thanks for taking the time to Post your comment and situation. GLTU and all.

Cobra Kai

01/16/13 10:57 PM

#124849 RE: CompFixerz #124726

If I were in a situation similiar to yours (and I have been in the past)

you can consider selling half your position- it will certainly sting to do that but it could be better than the alternative of it becoming stuck in an almost untradeable stock were you cant execute trades because everybody is looking to sell with no buyers showing up- each day after the halt the volume has gone down- nobody knows if SRGE will PR more or if they completely disappear- and if they offer more fluff PRs will anybody care or believe them?

SEC is not wrong when it comes to those they suspend- lots & lots of stocks should be suspended and they arent so if they got halted they did some very shady stuff and hoping them to turn this around may never ever happen.

Ive got 2 delisted stocks in my brokerage account essentially worthless from years ago and I wish I sold out for what little I could have gotten because its better than nothing..