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02/28/03 11:20 AM

#7387 RE: Tom K #7383

There's always the possibility that "man" is not a sucessful long-term biological entity on the evolutionary chain. We are always announcing our "vision" which usually excludes anyone else's "vision" and visa versa.

"All visions are equal but some visions are more equal than others." <g>
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02/28/03 11:24 AM

#7388 RE: Tom K #7383

Tom K, Stop killing people would be a good start. But you are set in your beliefs and can't understand. Why do we have the right to overthrow governments, install brutal dictatorships and steal natural resources from others? Do some research of the pain we have caused.
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02/28/03 11:52 AM

#7391 RE: Tom K #7383

In think the problem of the chickenhawks who support this war are they actually think that Saddam is a threat to the US and have swallowed the administrations reason of the month for going to war. If they think the US military is worried about a pea shooter like Saddam harming the US then I have a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn.

First the chickenhawkes believed that he was weeks away from Nuclear Weapons - that was proved false, then it was he has WMD - and he's willing to use it. Any person taking that statement at face value would be gullible at best. Saddam makes no secret of hating Israel so if he had them I suspect he would have first used them on Israel if he had the inclination (important to understand that concept) to use WMD. While we are his military enemy Israel is far worse. We have been told all manners of reason except the right reasons.

Bush has now told us another reason this week and that's to liberate the people and put a democracy in Baghdad. He refuses to tell us how much this noble gesture will cost the 99% of Americans he does not want to give a tax cut too. Bush also is afraid to tell us what the Pentagon has estimated will die in this endeavor. He also has not told us who is next. Make no mistake this policy is just the beginning of a Bush CRUSADE.

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03/01/03 1:48 AM

#7524 RE: Tom K #7383

Msg In Reply To: "... get the impression that you'd like
to see the U.S. assume the fetal position and cower in fear."

Tom K,

Starting Monday, about 6 days ago, i started reading this board
after doing a Read Last 50 of Zeev Hed posts, that i do looking for
any mention of his about the gold markets.

Something caught my eye that caused me to post the following.
#msg-789505 search on: "Jordan" in board: 150 hits

Since this board reflects that common occurance where two people
in total disagreement ignore the insight & meaning of what the other says,
and counters with those political "made prior" answers,
it did not surprise me that no one made a direct reply.

Your reply to my post has me thinking that you did not read my post,
or any i made on this board this week, for if you did you would not
have said that. But then most likely you did, but as most here,
you just read enough to be able to reply with your already message
that you want everyone to absorb and discover your truth.

Funny, everyone is doing that, ignoring the content of others messages,
and replies to the context, for or against, with their "already made" information
that supports their truth.

Its not usable info, but you did mention you have a friend in the Marines
and currently in the Middle East, and i now ask, have you ever served
in the military, and if so, saw battle conditions with you engaged in combat?

Myself i served in the Marines, Vietnam Dec 67 - Jan 69 and during
these 13 months received 3 promotions, Private to Corporal.

My opinion is that the USA should have attacked Iraq YESTERDAY,
or more accurately, 10 years ago in the Gulf War, or better yet,
20 years ago or whenever it became clear... but then if you read
my 9 messages on this board you would realize my intent.

For sure your approach will not allow you to do that,
but hay for horses, just for the record and anyone able to think.

#msg-794563 apples & oranges (or) turnips & e.Digital(EDIG)
#msg-795259 "... the whole thing is offensive to human kind."
#msg-797616 Are you[zigi] a carrot, egg or coffee bean?
#msg-797641 Then you don't realize that the Cuts & Pastes
#msg-797653 or better yet, i re-wrote your reply to me
#msg-800643 another short story of truth...
#msg-800962 "Look at it as a Chess Game:" ok
#msg-801116 "by invading "evil doer" nations [we] lose a...