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07/24/12 2:38 PM

#28837 RE: jetpilot1101 #28742

I believe there were more than a few that helped Monk and were compensated. Too many of them associate with promoters still. Too many vouched for Monk's trading "prowess". Since the Den meltdown, I have discussed the debacle w/ many via PM (all of which were NOT in the Den) - some that knew him well prior to the Den. He had a history of paying posters to pump his "picks" apparently. Some were paid cash under the table....and if a large enough pump....some in shares.

Due to the size of these pumps - I'm guessing some shares exchanged hands. All the SEC has to do to follow up on that is follow his flight schedule during the time period of mid 2009 thru 2010. Those shares (if indeed used as payment) had to exchange hands somehow quietly and prob in certificate form in an attempt to keep the records "off the books". Or could have just been cold hard cash....that's maybe there were just some cash drops. Since he's a cheap lying con - he could just as easily reported those payments via 1099 - and if he did that - GOOD - cuz then the SEC can go after those folks. The people paid by the promoters to post & pump are just as rotten scum as the promoters of pumps. The entire pink market needs an enema to rid itself of all the scum - if that is even possible. An outright shutdown of the pink market would be better......but I doubt that will happen. All of course just IMO.

The sad part of pennyland, pinks, & OTC's is that one of the BS "biggies" is the ongoing fantasy is about paid bashers to benefit some smoke & mirror shorters. In the last few years - I've yet to find one single person that has ever been paid to bash a stock (despite the posts that circulate saying otherwise....which are all conjured up internet BS). The ones however paid to pump that work for the promoters........they are like locusts and found everywhere. And I've also learned that the financial cost to short penny stocks is so ludicrously high that few sane folks would do it. The point is - the paid posters outweigh the paid bashers that may or may not exist easily 50 to 1. Yet the posts all discuss the bashers....

To me now - the paid pumpers are easy to spot. They have the same lines.

Then of course there's the Monkinar daytrading con - which he lured way too many in via that (including me). I've since learned a LOT - and it is blatantly obvious now that his "method" was basically a very elementary method of trend verification that can only be used on a swing basis and only as a lagging verification - not as a minute-by-minute basis to buy and sell and certainly not via any type of daytrade. He basically in his "trading methodology" showed everyone 3 easy chords on the guitar......and convinced everyone that they could now headline at Madison Square Garden (i.e., retire as a daytrader and become rich). My guess is that he rarely daytraded ETF's (I have been told since that he never daytraded in the past) and that was all BS would be extremely interesting to see if the SEC ever comments on that - as they obviously have his trading history. Even if he wanted to - he wouldn't have had time in 2009 & 2010 - he was too busy selling his FLD shares to do any daytrading.

The whole story and experience is just sad......extraordinarily sad.