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07/14/12 5:32 PM

#4855 RE: skiguy28 #4854

If He is Patrick Cox, then You are the CEO of R.J. Reynolds.

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07/14/12 8:27 PM

#4857 RE: skiguy28 #4854

skiguy28 - "The only thing I find interesting in your post is that based on the words used and the writing style, I am now 90% sure you are Patrick Cox."

And I am 90% sure you are silence_twain. I'm 70% sure you're also Adam Feuerstein which leaves a 30% chance that you're Martin Shkreli.

skiguy28 -
1. "...It is the fundamentals which are being debated by the bears and the bulls, not what the chart looks like."

My mistake. I thought it was the future price action that was being debated. How foolish of me...

skiguy28 -
2. "When I said celebrity endorsements mean nothing I was referring to how a celebrity can be tricked into thinking something is working when there is no real science behind the product. ...I always liked Fred Couples and I am glad that he is being paid to endorse the product."

Most celebrity endorsements occur because a company went searching for "a" celebrity to endorse their product. In this case, Fred Couples approached Star AFTER he tried the product and was convinced that it WORKS! BIG difference.

skiguy28 -
3. "I am going to talk about the patent validity in a way you might understand. Let's say you have a patent on a square tire and you sue Goodyear. Goodyear comes to court asks for your square tire patent to be re-examined. While that is going on, a jury finds that even if the square tire patent is upheld, Goodyear did not infringe because Goodyear sells a round tire. That is what you have here. Reynolds asked for the patents to be re-examined. They were and they were upheld. That is great. The only problem is that it has also been ruled that Reynolds did not infringe on the patents if valid. What good is a valid patent if someone does not infringe on it? The Supreme Court holding up the patents means nothing because it was ruled that Reynolds did not infringe if they were valid."

What a ridiculous comparison. Justhinkin did a very good job of illuminating your flawed analysis on this topic in his responses to your comments on seekingalpha at the website hyperlinked below.

skiguy28 -
4. "I remember a few years back when everyone was so convinced that Reynolds would lose to Star and when Star lost the stock dropped below $2. It had been above $5 recently before then and then dropped like a stone. The bulls seem to have placed a lot of faith that this mediation will result in hundreds of millions of dollars. If it does not, under $2 might be just around the corner."

Yes, we are perfectly aware that you and your friends will say or do whatever you think you can get away with to protect your short position. We still remember the false delisting story that you or one of your friends planted with Bloomberg when Star went over $5. And as I told you previously, "If the price drops because of another court decision, I'll buy more stock."

skiguy28 -
"5. It is nice that Johns Hopkins is looking into the product, but that means very little."

Really? I guess we will know when the results of the human study for thyroid disease, currently being conducted by Johns Hopkins, are released. It makes no sense that such highly reputed medical professionals would put their reputations on the line, with repeated presentations at high profile venues, for a "food supplement". Unless of course, they are already confident that it will work in humans. Oh that's right! They HAVE already seen it work in at least one human subject. Maybe they are not risking their reputations after all?

skiguy28 -
"Numerous small drug companies (note Anatabloc is an OTC dietary supplement not an FDA approved drug, but I need to use drug companies as an example) have a drug that gets through phase 1 and phase 2, but their stock gets wiped out when the drug gets to phase 3 testing and fails. Large companies have drug trials that fail as well. It is not that these companies are running a scam, it is just that what they thought would materialize does not."

From what you say, I guess it's a good thing Anatabine is "just" a food supplement. No matter what happens with any of the many studies underway, Anatabloc is already on the market and will continue to be sold. And when those studies are positive, the public will not have to wait for a bunch of FDA red tape to start taking it.

Every study on anatabine for which the results have been announced has been TREMENDOUSLY positive! Results documented so far include: reduced plaque formation in alzheimers, "dramatically" reduced rate of paralysis in MS, reduced C-Reactive Protein levels, and of course the statement by Dr. Ladenson that anatabine is the only known substance to stop thyroiditis. So far, the only human study was the CRP study. The rest were animal studies. But human studies are now approved and underway, including the "Flint" study for which a Michigan TV station has provided us a preview. The publication of results from any one of the on-going studies could be the catalyst that sparks major network coverage of this major medical breakthrough.

skiguy28 -
"The reason I think that Anatabloc is more scam than science is because of the history of the company behind it."

As I stated previously, there is already more than enough scientific evidence available to belie your statement. Only someone who's shorting this stock could ignore all the evidence and claim to believe "Anatabloc is more scam than science."

skiguy28 -
"You will forgive me for not being swayed by numerous anonymous testimonials that could be posted by anyone or even the same person under various user names."

I know this is not the case because of my own experience with Anatabloc. I thank the Lord that he gave me a decades long malady that responded quickly (and quite unexpectedly) to Anatabloc. Because of that, I believe that I have an advantage over many in the investment community (like you) who apparently don't believe it works.

skiguy28 -
"The reason that Anatabloc is an OTC dietary supplement and getting FDA approval is not being discussed is because I believe Star knows it would never hold up under the scrutiny of FDA required testing."

This is total BS. The FDA determined the "category" for anatabine. The FDA determined it was a food supplement.

Anatabloc works! And a significant percentage of those who try it will believe and many of those will invest - just like I did. If you're smart, you'll cover while you can.

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07/15/12 12:17 AM

#4858 RE: skiguy28 #4854

Re point 5: I gave bottle of Anatabloc to a young lady who could not go to sleep at night because of asthma, unless she took steroids (prescribed), and she hated how they made her feel. A few weeks later she reported to me that she no longer has a problem with asthma, can go to sleep without trouble, and is no longer afraid to run out of her steroid medication. This fact, directly witnessed by me, means more to me than all your doubts.
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07/15/12 12:22 AM

#4859 RE: skiguy28 #4854

Ski, first off are you Drumb? Im 94% convinced you are.

Second I appreciate this discussion, I really do. You are one of the cordial shorts and that is rare. Ultimately while it may not seem it, if you are truly a short without an agenda (working for someone) then we are after the same thing - the truth.
Unfortunatly based on your posts Im not so sure of your intent is to get at the truth - its to bash the stock and trick others into thinking you know the truth. All the while you do not respond to counter arguments. If your intent is at the truth please respond to counter points brought out - and dont just say, well the company is a scam so I dont believe it. Thats not an argument - thats short slam talk.

Third lets address your new points.

1. "There is a huge difference between technical and fundamental analysis." Yes I understand the difference. Do you understand that there are a LOT of traders that ONLY trade on technicals. In fact outside of Star, Im one of them. Basically technical analysis becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. That means traders often think a trade is going to happen so when it shows a strong signal, it happens. They all pile on. Many technical traders are following Star and watching for a breakout to the long side. No matter how you crack it, thats bad news for shorts. This is why Carter issued his buy. As far as fundamentals, I often find the timing of these breakouts happens to miraculously correspond with a news item, in which case its also now fundamental.

2. Nothing to say here - I believe Fred Couples is a big deal which will bring in revenue. You apparently think that its all a scam, so we are not even having the same discussion. They are different discussions entirely.

3. "I am going to talk about the patent validity in a way you might understand.'
Now let me put it in simple terms for you. Star 1 was a case for infringement for years 2001-02. Star 2 would be an entirely different case for years post 2002. In Star 1, as I stated, there was evidence for infringement that WAS NOT ALLOWED as admissible, mainly because Garbis thought it irrelevant because Star did not have the patents. NOW they have the patents - and guess what, right after that decision, Judge Garbis decides its time for Star and RJR to sit down for settlement. Hmmm, no smoke there. He knows, as well as RJR that the verdict of infringement could very well turn out different in a Star 2 case.

Will you publicly acknowledge that there will be new evidence introduced in a Star 2 case because the patents are valid?

If so you have to concede that as such any verdict of infringement in Star 1 will not mean the same verdict of infringement in Star 2. Again, apparently Judge Garbis also believed this which is why was it referred to mediation. So no, your tire argument has no merit because they are different cases.

4. Rear view mirror trading. Do you always assume that what happens in the past will continue? Im glad Thomas Edison did not feel that way - it would be a very different world otherwise.
As far as my faith, its in Anatabloc, not the case. The case is cream for me and many other Bulls.

5. "It is nice that Johns Hopkins is looking into the product, but that means very little. " So it means very little that physicians from the number one hospital in the country have an interest in the product. Wow. It means nothing that one of their top endocrinologists Dr Paul Ladenson, said that he knows of no other treatment for Thyroiditis than anatabloc?

Next your quote:
"You will forgive me for not being swayed by numerous anonymous testimonials that could be posted by anyone or even the same person under various user names."

You apparently have been to the facebook page of Anatabloc right? You do know that faking peoples testimonies there is virtually impossible without getting caught. These are real people.
And what exactly are we talking about in the companies recent shady history? They have been fighting Big Tobacco for the past 10 years because they believe they were infringed on. As a result they had no revenue and had to issue shares. What exactly is shady about that? It may have not been a good investment 5 years ago, but its not shady. By the way, for a person who has supposedly been to all those GNC stores, you are saying that you have not actually tried the product? NOW THAT SEEMS SHADY TO ME. Ive tried Anatabloc - it works and works great. Many agree with me.

"The reason that Anatabloc is an OTC dietary supplement and getting FDA approval is not being discussed is because I believe Star knows it would never hold up under the scrutiny of FDA required testing."

What EXACT proof do you have that the studies are NOT UP TO FDA Standards?? Well as you know Im sure, they are randomized double blind studies - seems legit to me. Here they are on

Of course you also know that the Thyroid Study is using RCP-007, not RCP-006 (which is anatabloc). Most feel this is a Drug version of Anatabloc. And you also know that the CEO publicity stated that the plan is to introduce the Anatabloc supplement and THEN introduce a FDA approved Drug version down the road? He likened it to taking the ferry boat until while the cruise ship is being built. Put another way, they wished to get the supplement version out first and then go FDA level with a drug version because it does take longer to get approved. Again given long delay with FDA, the fact that its a safe supplement and it works, that sounds like a solid business strategy to me.

Ah well, sorry but while you are cordial, your points are sorely misinformed Im afraid. You base your entire argument it seems on a 20 year old incident with the CEO and now you believe the entire company is a Scam. Does not hold water. And to boot you dont even fully respond to points brought out.

Whos the scammer?

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07/15/12 11:38 AM

#4866 RE: skiguy28 #4854

Very funny post. I can support the vision claim. I have been on anatabloc for over a month and my near vision is almost back to normal. I can see close without any reading glasses. My wifes crohns which she has suffered from for 18 years is almost non existent and she went off her medicine that suppresses the symptoms of crohns. Its miraculous. Really.
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07/15/12 12:35 PM

#4871 RE: skiguy28 #4854

I have a genuine question. I am a small shareholder (Actually I'm 6' 2" but you know what I mean). Even if I were to admit that some posters here are too optimistic about Anatabloc and CIGX, why do you seem unfairly pessimistic? The first post I saw from you used the word "scam". That is surely a matter of opinion. I like seeing devil's advocate posts or well-thought-our criticisms, but as soon as you call this a scam it reduced your credibility. By the way, my doctor told me about this as a stock to buy. He is not impressed with much, but takes Anatabloc himself for general inflammation and a chronic elbow problem which he says is now gone after about 5 weeks taking Anatabloc. He was not trying to sell me anything; just raving about the product. Jsut one more observation: if even 40% of the glowing claims I see here are true, this product may be a huge success.