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09/14/05 3:56 PM

#30321 RE: big M #30319


Everyone claims this is a gigantic market and from what I can ascertain, scmi/mmxt has the drivers seat at this time.

If what has been stated about the size of the market, revenue will certainly be in the coffers, and like most tech companies, the return is great, no raw products to buy, etc.

I am looking down the line to seeing mmxt (after merger) go
into a buy back mode to reduce the share problem. It will take time
but as you can see by today's PR, they are continuing to stay ahead of the curve. It that continues then this company can
be every much of a value as our present competition, not counting future dvd protection, and as this industry is constantly changing many more opportunities to increase revenue with very little additional expense.
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09/14/05 4:19 PM

#30325 RE: big M #30319

Big M,

The number of shares a company has is, in itself, not a single parameter able to disqualify a company.

On this board, Sirius, which, not so long ago, was a vastly underrated company, and, on another plane, Sun Microsystems, were referred to as obvious examples of companies that had issued a huge numbers of shares, but that has not stopped either company from achieving a colossal market cap or stopped either of those two companies from becoming the market leader in its own field.

I am sincerely amazed that you can take such a flagrantly one-dimensional view of what makes or breaks the market's perception of a company.

It would seem to follow from your one-sided reasoning that all it would take to get a far higher market cap for SunnComm would be, for instance, a 1 for 100 or 1 for a thousand reverse split to make SunnComm the toast of the market. I just wonder how many posters on this board you would find to agree with that!

Nor is it current monthly or quarterly revenues that matter so much, but what monthly and quarterly revenues will be looking like in 4, 6 and 12 months.
