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05/28/12 8:57 PM

#8092 RE: goldpanner1 #8091

I remember sitting in at the agm in january in vancouver that during Jorge's talk the pps rose to $1.00 well that now seems all bs along with all the PR's from msx, reality shows me that current management should have allowed the PROS's through other avenues get this story out to the public as I don't believe there are many people in this world who care about mickey mouse pr's on stockwatch
Only will the pps move higher when the public gets wind of this story rather then just a few looking at a stockwatch pr that's gets blown out of the water everytime, things won't change folks so please Get it right this time or I should have taken my money to vegas and put it all in the 11 for 15 to 1 odds which looks better then msx at this time
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05/28/12 9:00 PM

#8093 RE: goldpanner1 #8091

Goldpanner, you bring up a valid point but it is a tough pill to swallow for most on this board. Like everyone else on this board I want this stock to succeed. I would rather have a couple "mill" in the bank and be proven wrong rather than having no money and be proven right.

However, something isn't right and it serves no one's purposes to look at MSX leadership and the unfolding situation through rose coloured glasses. The retraction is a culmination of a multidude of press releases that were not vetted. These continued press releases, growing more provactive over time, clearly demonstrate that MSX had no well articulated plan. I refuse to give anyone, in a leadership role, carte blanche.
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05/29/12 5:26 PM

#8109 RE: goldpanner1 #8091


Whereas press releases generated under Alan Fynlansoin were crafted by and catered to BCSC regulators, the truth of record is other.

a) Jorge Lopehandia owns clean title over MINA PASCUA CHILE and holds legal title over the areas calimed by BARRICK GOLD CORPORATION as own(via injunction C-1912-2001) ed via MINERA NEVADA SpA at TSX and NYSE at this date.

b) TESOROS (MINA PASCUA itself) claimde to be owned by BARRICK on its website via STOCKWATCH via TSX and NYSE by BARRICK GOLD CORPORATION, are 100% non asset of BARRICK never were and so recognized at a court of law.

This information supercedes all legal and printed advertisements of BARRICK GOLD CORPORATION in criminal slander of MSX title.

Barrick Gold Corporation is invited to surrender to MSX as of today or face criminal proceedings in the shortest span of time.

As stated by MWR and MSX, Barrick does not own MINA PASCUA CHILE, never did, never will.


My respects to all hard working shareholders and BOD of MSX for the titanic effort to tackle Barrick at law.

Victory is at hand in Chile, now we have to translate that into a Canadian victory of justice well done.

Barrick, BNN, TSX, BCSC, SLW, STOCKWATCH and many others manipulated MWR plus MSX down.

Now they all owe you cash on the dash ma huge apology and the Gold Silver and Copper stake.

Faith and truth have delivered.

ABX crimes are now caught at law under oath and shall be used in Canada to jail all culprits of these deviant acts of financial terrorism and theft.