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03/01/12 7:18 PM

#61448 RE: jar0th #61438


No, I am not saying that the independant client would cause the error code.

That is the clients site, I am assuming anyway, I do not know these folks, however, if they bought software to run their advertizing campaign through, and the crawler didn't work or was not there, an error wold then come up, after you clicked inside the site for example an a product for sale.

That is the way I understand it anyway.

Keep in mind I have never used Atrinsics tools or software, however, a widget is a widget in most cases.

I can get in to a ford for instance and drive, then switch over to a mercedes. I can drive both cars, however the hood release botton is in a different spot, maybe one has windshied wipers on the headlights and the other car doesn't.

I am saying if the Client's site was not married so to speak, or in bed with the Atrinsic affiliate software, when some one clicked on something to buy in that site the client would not get credit and there would be an error code if Atrinsic's affiliate software was flawed or missing a crawler, for instance.

Oh, and the frase Understand, I did not mean in a desending way, just a figure of speach!

I said, no dis bro!

hope this clarifies.

; )


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03/01/12 7:28 PM

#61453 RE: jar0th #61438

jar0th, you might find this interesting as well!

This looks like an advertisment campaign running through youtube somehow? lol

I do not know what is going on behind closed doors, however, there is still business being conductied or I would not have been able to find all this stuff!

; )

Got to go get a bite to eat, be back latter tonite,



