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02/26/12 11:31 AM

#6886 RE: JRLopehandia #6885

Geeze my printer is out of ink ...the best line was the last one Jorge ...

"Let us not fight among ourselves, let us defeat ABX!"

I think that MWR shareholders believe you Jorge or they wouldn't be spending any of there "valuable" time here on the HUB. They wouldn't be in this with ownership of stock or stock options ...the private placements wouldn't be lining up unless the story had some truth to it, and documentation to back it up ...I think everyone wants this JV in the bag and that has a few having little to do but to read and post whatever to kill the clock. For some shareholders its been half a lifetime ...for others like me just a few years which is starting to feel like a lifetime ...Jorge, we appreciate all of your efforts. Some of us are making calls and queries to different organizations and to me that will assist us and you to fulfill this dream and some of us our shareholder Lotto Tickets ...So Tibby turn those numbers around and those last two initials to JL and cheer up man've got a winner



02/26/12 12:24 PM

#6887 RE: JRLopehandia #6885

Your family name is irrelevant. I only mentioned it because Mr. Davis also frequently and improperly brings his family history into the debate. And since you're throwing around comparisons to Mr. Davis... but it doesn't matter. One can come from a great family and be a villain. One can come from a rough family situation, and be a hero. For the sake of argument, let's say the Lopehandia family is super-d-duper! It has no bearing on your individual credibility.

A couple of points, for clarification:

1) Barrick claims that the earthworks in Chile are 80% completed. They claim that the mine has probable reserves of 17.8 million ounces of gold. If I read your recent message correctly, you are saying that Barrick is falsifying all of this, and that they do not have a development in Chile, or that it is in a different location than your claims.

2) You say that Barrick has not been successful against you in their libel suit. The records of the Ontario court show that they won a judgment against you (BTW, everyone doing DD should read the judgment, as there are some troubling details in there). Are you saying that the judgment was later reversed, or simply that you never paid the bill?