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02/22/12 9:56 PM

#222355 RE: dig space #222354

Finally, options being distributed to SKS and the CFO. 300,000 and 240,000?

I have been waiting for this. It looks like it was the 9th. When did the Safend lockup expire putting downward pressure on the stock? When did the ATM agreement get announced putting downward pressure . When did the options get awarded? When did the PR's start coming potentially pushing it up?

Management is now more on the shareholders side of the fence.

We going up soon :). Why would you short this stock when there are so many others to short -- that can't possibly go up 200% in one day like this one can. It is going to be fun. The more shorts the better at this point.

Hmmm... Safend lockup expires, ATM offering, issue options, press releases, big big announcements. Makes sense.


02/22/12 10:05 PM

#222356 RE: dig space #222354

Hi dig,

On the other hand, if I was king of the DoD, I would be just a wee bit concerned that, once I had identified a solution to my problem and figured it worked, by failing to implement it I would be exposing the country to huge and unnecessary security risks.

I think it depends on a decision within the DoD about urgency and the extent of the need for this new layer of protection.

By the way, I think the 6m units excludes the defence industry, and I believe the SIs will be working towards integrating that market as well.