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02/22/12 12:13 PM

#22417 RE: nodummy #22415

I would not be suprised one bit if Carnes is not skulking around in the background. Their financial statements alongside the equity issuances scream cooked books.
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02/22/12 4:43 PM

#22425 RE: nodummy #22415

BBDA - a few more puzzle pieces

Thank you, nodummy, for the outstanding collection of info on Carnes, Weber and BBDA.

A couple tidbits about your namedrop, Jared Hochstedler, in regards to Bebevco CEO Brian Weber. When Weber fielded his own race team back in 2003, he set up to sell shares in the race team with Mr. Hochstedler playing a significant role.

So Weber's connection to the Carnes/Hochstedler/Kistler/etc. Ft. Wayne boys club goes back at least that far, 5 years prior to the Kistler/Race Fumes LLC connection.

The Weber/Hochstedler connection continues as discussed in this PR about EESO agreeing to distribute Potencia:

Potencia USA LLC is one of at least 4 or 5 private companies co-owned by the same two people (Brian Weber and Daisy L. Ramirez) who own the public company, Bebida Beverage Company. The others are Racefumes LLC (once slated to be sold to Kistler), DLR Associates (who own the trademarks for all beverages sold and marketed through Bebevco), Daisy Ramirez Racing (NASCAR Craftsman Truck Series race team Weber bought and operated through the 2010 season, website now defunct) and the recent Bebevco Holdings, an LLc created to own the race shop/warehouse building Bebevco occupies and which BBDA share buyers are paying for. Bebevco Holdings is wholly owned by BBDA, the public company. The financial interplay between these companies has never been clarified, but interesting tidbits like this, from an unaudited BBDA financial filing, certainly beg the questions:

Weber and Ramirez's Bebevco sells Potencia Shots, owned by their private company, Potencia USA LLc, with the trademark for the product owned by their private company, DLR Associates. Not hard to show a profit when the stuff you're selling is free.

Anyway, I'm getting off track. Jared Hochstedler apparently disappeared from Weber's orbit after that 2008 PR about EESO distributing Potencia in the Midwest. Then Lo and Behold, just a few weeks ago, at a Style Icon Celebrity Gift Lounge for the Superbowl where Bebevco paid to get pics with celebs and athletes and push their product, look who appears wearing an exhibitor pass and holding one of Bebevco's Koma Unwind drinks!!i=1701847713&k=qJqqf7f!i=1701851861&k=mTst86b&lb=1&s=A

Brian Weber has spent the time since buying this company complaining about being saddled with the old debt that was somehow missed when he bought the shell and blaming the rampant dilution on that debt, though an examination of their filings show the dilution to be just as much their fault. If he feels somehow taken by Carnes and his pals, it kind of makes you wonder why Jared Hochstedler is now apparently helping promote Bebevco products.

Among all this, it's worth noting that Brian Weber and Bebevco were sued by YA Global for trying to hide assets from them, as Carnes had done when he moved RNVO/BBDA shares from the NV corp to the newly formed WY corp. Weber created a duplicate DE corp with 5B shares to try and move them out of YA Global's reach but got caught.

From DE SOS:

YA Lawsuit info:

Weber claimed to have met with YA Global's lawyers and negotiated the debt down/settled, though he continued to blame it for dilution and the debt was eventually sold to Redwood, as you noted.

Here Brian Weber discusses the debt:

I have more stuff, but that's it for now. Here's a bonus tidbit - the front page of the legal opinion supporting Bebevco's 504D:
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02/24/12 4:55 PM

#22588 RE: nodummy #22415


Found this 11/2003 article detailing Carnes early involvement with the shell that has eventually become BBDA.

Fortis evolved into Renovo. Here's a subsequent article which mentions the old Cornell/Yorkville/YA Global debt that was supposedly foisted off on an unsuspecting BBDA CEO when he bought the BBDA shell:

BBDA CEO Brian Weber has noted that he was involved in disaster relief in New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina. No particular connection other than Fortis/Renovo both being apparent disaster relief scams. I'm not suggesting Weber's efforts were a scam, it's just an interesting coincidence.

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02/25/12 7:49 AM

#22613 RE: nodummy #22415

Brian Weber bought the Company back in April of 2009 and has done a great job to get it where it is today. The future looks great for BBDA. Relax5 is a great product. My wife and I like the product very much. My wife also likes the KOMA unwind sugar free because she has to watch her sugar intake. BeBevCo had a good year last year and 2012 looks like it's even going to be a bigger year. Brian Weber is one of the hardest working CEO's in the business. His hard work is paying off big time.
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03/19/13 9:23 PM

#41616 RE: nodummy #22415

(turns out to be a lie)That the BBB gave his contracting company, Brian Weber & Associates, an F back in the day. Just checked this easy one out and you lied. Unrated, no reported activity to place a rating. Bet all the other points are B.S as well,,,,no way I`m wasting my time trying to check though.