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02/22/12 6:37 PM

#22428 RE: OlafKjelldsen #22425

excellent stuff - thank you!!

My time is so very limited these days and I only had a couple hours to start putting the puzzle pieces together on BBDA and past connections. Your post is greatly appreciated. It saves me from more time digging and helps clarify and solidify the relationships I was already starting to find in my early research.


02/22/12 8:22 PM

#22442 RE: OlafKjelldsen #22425

OMG....fantastic DD, I linked to your post on the EESO board:


02/25/12 5:59 AM

#22607 RE: OlafKjelldsen #22425

What facts do you have that Jared H. is working with or for BBDA.


03/13/14 5:06 PM

#62013 RE: OlafKjelldsen #22425

Great find Sammy...meanwhile I'm being drilled for my employment history! Next thing you know they'll want to know what my grades were in the Third Grade!


03/13/14 6:54 PM

#62019 RE: OlafKjelldsen #22425

Oh,this post,very interesting stuff----I never saw that......"......deer in the ....IMO


03/18/14 9:04 AM

#62271 RE: OlafKjelldsen #22425

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