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02/20/12 8:40 PM

#91625 RE: buckets #91623

No, that can't be the documentation he's talking about.

Most people know that the Finra short data means nothing.


02/20/12 9:01 PM

#91630 RE: buckets #91623

Thanks, we all know there is more than 1,000 lol. Not sure where they are coming up with their numbers, probably where they get their other DD LMAO. Oh well, the people that need to know do.



02/20/12 9:18 PM

#91635 RE: buckets #91623

Its a misconception that every share on the RegSho list is actually shorted. Trades who aren't settled within a time frame are designated as short for legal reasons, but aren't really shorted shares, they just carry that label. Its hard to determine how many shares are actually shorted... on some days its only 10 or 20% of the Sho volume, and other days it can be much higher...