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02/20/12 6:35 AM

#12020 RE: justabroker_2000 #12019

Like I have said, this company suck at engaging the NEWSWIRE. Management must be cheap


02/20/12 7:12 AM

#12021 RE: justabroker_2000 #12019

Because applying for a patent does not necessarily mean that they will pursue Libigel for the CV benefits. They have half a dozen ambulance chasers at their door already. The last thing they want to do is put out a PR pumping the Libigel/CV angle if they are not 1000000% sure (that was not a typo, BTW) that they will go forward with it. It would be reckless of Simes to pump this patent at this point in the game, IMO. JD.


02/20/12 10:32 AM

#12028 RE: justabroker_2000 #12019

Take 5 Mins to Read This/Email Them: That's why I wrote the long post underneath so that investors such as yourself and others can make our point clear to the company and IR firm. They should release/disclose updates about this patent, LibiGel safety data link shown below, Bio-T-Gel numbers & details, current events as well as the other things I addresses in the post underneath to keep the market fully updated & disclosed. This is general practice of a public company its called being transparent and publicly disclosing material events which I, and others, feel these are very material however its our job to email the company/Ir firm to voice our opinion being that we are the public shareholders. Yes that is correct we are part owners of the company since we own shares in BPAX and its publicly traded. Don't be nervous, lazy or shy to email them and voice your opinions now. I personally think the company is holding back big news, a new project and or a buyout/takeover however we should push together to make sure they update the market with current and ongoing data, patents, news and events. I feel by doing so it will immediately accelerate in fully gaining market/investor confidence again.

I saw someone else post that they might not want to disclose these events or patents about LibiGel because of the ambulance chaser law firms but I believe they are totally wrong in saying this. Why? Because I have already spoken to the company about these false claims and allegations and they have clearly stated that these claims/allegations have no Merritt (and I agree fully from all my dd/research). Plus I have seen so many law firms put out these types of advertisements every year (yes thats all they are is advertisements) because they are hurting for business and its their way of trying to sucker shareholders to call them and retain them as counsel. I posted these facts before on here as some of their press releases even disclose its an "advertisement" as such. Remember all they are trying to do is to basically get people that bought or traded BPAX and lost some money to call them and then they will give them a sales pitch on how they can go after the company by suing them but these scam artist law firms don't put in the press releases these facts and the facts that you need a large number of shareholders to all group together and team up against the company to even bring a claim lol.

Take 5 minutes out of your day, stop what your doing this second and voice your opinions by emailing the company and ir firm now at Email (Phillip Donenberg) and (Tricia Swanson). If you want you can use some of the things I mentioned below in your email along with the links, etc.

pennystockace Member Profile pennystockace

Sunday, February 19, 2012 8:40:29 PM
Re: re-actor post# 11966
Post # of 12026
Email BPAX & IR Firm Now For Updates/Clarification: I was told to post this message and I hope everyone on here takes this message serious if they are serious about the money they invested in BPAX. The faster you act by emailing BPAX & Ir firm, the faster I feel the company will act to update the market.

I think the serious/real investors on here should email the company (Phillip Donenberg) and the IR firm (Tricia Swanson) today so that they see there is a serious need for clarification and updating the markets. If the company gets numerous emails from serious investors such as myself and others on here (or elsewhere), they are more likely to put out an update to help boost shareholder/market confidence and to clarify the great news/events that they are hiding in my opinion. I personally feel they are in the middle of a huge offer, buyout or takeover and that BPAX has a major project/deal in the works however I think the serious/real investors on here should stop what they are doing today and email both of them listed below so they take their shareholders serious.

Don't be lazy its your money and the more of us that email them the faster we will see clarification/updates in my opinion!

Email (Phillip Donenberg) and (Tricia Swanson) now with your questions/concerns about BPAX. A few things you might want to tell them is that they should update the market about the new BPAX patents recently filed, update the market on the new LibiGel safety issues that were filed on, what are they doing with LibiGel right now and short term plans with LibiGel, tell them they should disclose a press release to the market about BIO-T-GEL and the money they are or have received upfront from Teva along with the royalty % and their guidance for BIO-T-GEL internationally as this is where the big money can come into play. It is very important to tell them that being a small cap company they need to be very transparent and report all current and ongoing events that are material.

You should mentioned to them that they have hurt shareholder confidence and allowed the shorts to completely takeover the share price recently by converting some of the debt notes (right on FDA approval) and by not updating the market as to why they converted the debt (like are they being bought out, doing a big deal, have a new project, etc).

Its time to turn up the heat cause I think BPAX is about to heat up this coming week and this will definitely add fuel to the fire if we work as a team and email them asap so they can react to our emails this coming week.

You can send them these links below (patents, new LibiGel study from 2-14, etc) to say that the shareholders and market wants to know whats going on and that BPAX needs to help boost shareholder confidence by remaining fully transparent with any and all current or ongoing events with BPAX:

I think its very important BPAX updates the market asap on BIO-T-GEL and the money they have gotten or expect to get from Teva for BIO-T-GEL both domestically & internationally. I feel this would definitely boost the markets confidence in BPAX and help the share price in my opinion. The company needs to update the market on the growth/revenue potential for its BIO-T-GEL from Teva as well as internationally as they can make a ton of money licensing it or doing a deal for this drug internationally. After-all they have not disclosed the details and this is very important. The market for BIO-T-GEL is around $1.6 billion dollars and I think BPAX/Teva will capture a large percentage cause I think they will undercut the market to gain market share fast which would be very smart. All this stuff above, as well as other things you may have or your own opinions, are the things we need to tell them now so they can update/address the public markets asap on BIO-T-GEL and any other current or ongoing events.