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02/17/12 4:12 PM

#757 RE: OlafKjelldsen #756

We care about that stuff! Do You know what it's like to squeeze one off at some one? When your whole life, youve been tought, it's wrong! Never point a weapon at another!

Then suddenly you have to! The first time i did it.......It's a very very bad feeling!!!

So, it does matter here! To us! I know what DK is trying to say to you. But you can't get it ever!


02/17/12 8:39 PM

#759 RE: OlafKjelldsen #756

I couldn't resist this post!

LOL. I think alot of us are frustrated here! Maybe they will have a shareholders promo event?

I wonder If we could win a date with Daisy? MMMM MMMM!



Why do you have me on PM ignore?


02/17/12 11:55 PM

#760 RE: OlafKjelldsen #756

OlafKjelldsen Share Friday, February 17, 2012 11:18:09 PM
Re: marc_1958 post# 122275 Post # of 122289

You always seem to want it both ways!!!

And you don't seem to have the faintest idea of what I'm talking about.Wrong you don't have the faintest idea of what your talking about
Then you say that "IF" you happen to spot it that you were "deliberately looking for it!!! LOL

I'm sorry what I post is too complex for you to grasp. Let me try and explain what I mean.Not too complex at all!!

Every year when Bebevco goes racing, there is the same reaction. Someone with a vested interest, looking really hard to find the logo spots it on TV for half a second and suddenly starts bleating that it's National TV exposure - this is HUGE! Then goes on to quote how NASCAR has 50 zillion fans, blah blah blah. It's a load of crap. Nice to know that you can count!! 50 zillion?? Really??
The only reason that half of second of TV exposure was noticed at all by anyone is because a shareholder was staring at the TV, straining to see it. To anyone who is not a shareholder in the company, a half second of "have to be looking hard on purpose to even see it" TV exposure makes zero impression. It does absolutely nothing to promote the brand. Who are you to say "what" exposure makes an impression??
Please people,"DO NOT" deliberately look to catch a glimpse of Koma on TV,as that would not be fair!!! Again, LOL

Please "DO NOT" be on the edge of your seat as that also would be an unfair advantage. And "NO" squinting!!


You can look for it, I know I will, but I am not going to come back in here and start acting like that meaningless glimpse in a sea of flashy advertising is somehow equivalent to a Superbowl commercial. It's not. As a shareholder, you notice it. As a non-shareholder, you won't notice or care about it any more than you care about a same-sized decal on another car for Fred's Towing Company.So it really doesn't matter but"your going to look"?? Of course this is not equivalent to a Superbowl commercial!!! DUH!!! WOW,alot of dumb people putting advertising on race cars(which no one can see,because they are going too fast)!!! LOL
If you're satisfied with the CEO wasting money to go racing so shareholders can spot the decal for half a second while he dilutes your shares to pay for product to sell, then enjoy your increased shareholder value. So with your valuable knowledge,how much money did the CEO waste???Quote:
Things look like they are going in the right direction with BBDA.

Yup. They are going in circles, never really getting anywhere. The company just might get in the winners circle!! Can't win if your not in the race!!
As a shareholder with many shares I for one am willing to give our CEO more time to show us how he is going to grow this company!!!

As someone who was smart enough to bail out a few months after I was conned into believing in what the CEO said and buying shares, I am willing to declare this is a dilution scam. Would you like to compare facts and evidence? You bailed?? Who would have thought!! But Olaf i'm not ready to declare this race over just yet. There is a caution out and this race will resume very soon!!
Again,one step at a time!!!
I guess I really should have said "one lap at a time" LOL