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02/18/12 1:09 AM

#763 RE: goarmy123 #757

We care about that stuff!

That's not really how I meant it. I understand and don't question what vets have in common, but Dking talking to me about it in response to a post that's about Bebevco is irrelevant.

I understand how he feels about everything because I have read about 5000 posts of him talking about it. But I'm not interested in how he feels. All I see is someone who dodges all the negatives about the company and retreats into this repetitive stuff about how he feels rather than discussing the facts and figures that actually affect his investment.

If all Dking needs to feel good about his investment and trust his CEO is his warm and fuzzy feelings, that's great. If he can ignore all the red flags because he feels good about it, good for him.

But if he's going to go to places where people are having substantial discussion and start ragging on them because what they say is negative, he needs to come back with something positive in like kind or just stay home with his head in the sand.


02/18/12 4:24 PM

#772 RE: goarmy123 #757

As a 6-year Army vet and combat vet, can you please stop being melodramatic about this?

The only thing disrespectful here is your mindless pumping of companies that you don't even bother to learn about with all the Army stuff on your profile.