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01/31/12 6:57 PM

#361150 RE: learninfast #361149

download your ballots here:

Fill out and email or fax to your broker and then mail them too!


01/31/12 7:02 PM

#361154 RE: learninfast #361149

You can also go to your local branch. I went to mine today and filled them out in person (I received the preferred ballots in the mail from ST but not the commons). After I was done filling them out in front of my broker, I had him call Corporate to make sure everything was filled out correctly since I have multiple accounts. I then had him make copies of my ballots and had him sign and date my copies as proof. It is ridiculous that we even have to do this...the ballots should have all been sent with adequate time to complete and return them.


01/31/12 8:55 PM

#361181 RE: learninfast #361149

Go to the local office they will print you a ballot. Fill it out, and they fax and mail to the reorg department.


02/01/12 8:24 AM

#361216 RE: learninfast #361149

esydsit-if you live close to a Scottrade office, just drop in, they will print one for you. It's 13 pages long. You only have three pages that require info. Very short. They can help you get it done. If you are not very close, call early today, have them mail it to you, then get it back in the mail to them. You should get it the next day. You need to check accept the plan on page 6 if you want to stay in and list the amount of shares you own, then fill out your info on page 9 and 10. Make sure you have them make you a copy after you are done and get a print out showing your account on record has been updated.
