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01/07/12 1:04 PM

#219900 RE: Taxi vader #219893

Thanks for another of your very relevant posts! You do a great job of sleuthing!

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01/07/12 10:52 PM

#219917 RE: Taxi vader #219893

Taxi Vader--Great find! But you missed underscoring a few key passages, which suggests to me that you may have missed the central thrust of his argument.

Review what I have bolded which demonstrates clearly that Philip Virgo is arguing that Trusted Computing is being hindered by the molasses movement of government. You don't begin with "top end security" for a paradigm shift because it will never happen!

His (rhetorical) question regarding Wave and Samsung is of course YES! YES! YES! But don't expect the Samsung deal to first manifest itself in the form of a USA DoD contract...think TV, think Mobile Phones, this ENTERTAINMENT!

The Samsung-Wave agreement was massive, but not the for reasons articulated by the vast majority of folks on this board.

"Is the deal between Samsung and Wave a sign of the way ahead?"

The mass media have finally caught up with the December 28th entry in "When IT meets politics". Note the speed of the roll-out (due for completion inside 3 months) compared to the snail-like progress of BDUK with agreeing the allocation of funds to support rural broadband, let alone allowing those receiving the funds to get with the job.

Note also the implications of "convergence" as BT (Openzone) competes head to head with BT (Openreach and the "unbundled" local loop suppliers), O2 and Vodafone for the urban smartphone, on-line social networking, browsing and transaction markets (alias ubiquitous broadband) across the UK - because no-one can afford to wait for Ofcom to finally sort out 4G spectrum.

Of course the technologies and spectrum range available is not ideal and the products are not yet easily substitutable or seamless (except in the eyes of Internet savvy teenagers), but needs must ...

The other question is whether the bandwidth and service reliablity on offer will be sufficient for major business users to transition large parts of their operations direct to mobile working.

If so, how quickly will we see "trusted computing" (alias the ability to check that you are dealing with a known device in the hands of a known user at a known location) on smart phones. Is the deal between Samsung and Wave a sign of the way ahead?

In a couple of weeks I am due to chair the next meeting of the Information Society Alliance sub-group tasked to draft procurement guidance for those planning to use trusted computing products and services to deliver significantly better security at much lower cost.

They will be beginning with top end security. I will ask how practical it is to move rapidly down the spectrum while retaining a sustainable open market (i.e. with inter-operability standards between competing suppliers). In the same week I will be attending a similar meeting (again organised under the aegis of the Information Society Alliance) on infrastructure sharing.

The O2 deal illlustrates the value of Local Authorities comparing notes, working together and bypassing central government attempts at "co-ordination", let alone their "advice" and "guidance" as to what is, or is not, legal or compliant with EU law.

But does that have to be the case?

Is it really too late for central government and its agencies and regulators to play a constructive role?

I would like to think not - but given the pressure on HMG to cut costs and overheads ...