do you really know what you write ? A milestone for PHI ?
I am invested since 10 years with 100.000 $ and after my entry level the share price just dropped down and down.
I remember that you told us that you are not a shareholder so I am sure you can not feel me/our emotions about how anyone feels after Henry promised the world and not one single deal became as a winner.
I have seen share from 1 Cent going up to 1 $ within one year... I have seen many of these stocks but after a R/S split (consider 1:1000 or higher...you need to have 4 $ value)... can you show me any stock moving from 4 $ to 400 $ to have the same ratio ?
Henry has done a lot wrong in the past and I still have 30 % outstanding on credit so try at least to catch my emotions and stop writing about milestones, etc.. be realistic !
Look at Philand.. the shares came out with 3,85 Euro and check where they are today... what happened after the grand opening ceremony ? Nothing !
I am more than done.
Remember that you always meet 2 times in a life