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Was there an update 7 hours ago on pacer re Phil ??
Pretty cool haha
The list of creditors that Kota has provided on their filing, does not include Henry or PHIL. The only PHIL related creditor is Agile Capital Funding LLC. There was a UCC-1 filed in California that had PHIL as a debtor with Kota Energy and Kota Construction.
You said the same thing 4 years ago and the stock price is down 99.999% . Care to explain ?
Reading the KOTA BK filling, LMAO talk about a scam.....
Does the debtor own any real property No
Estimated number of creditors 100-199
Estimated assets $0-$50,000
Estimated Liabilities $10,000,000-$50,000,000
Debtor’s estimation of available funds After any administrative expenses are paid, no funds will be available for distribution to unsecured creditors.
$PHIL Grest risk reward. Ignore the bashers.
Tell your friends and family that the wait will seem like nothing !!!!!
Hey there is this geriatric Vietnamese scammer that that has a 25 year history of scamming investors ane was barred for life by FINRA for scamming investors but now he's a good guy and he's getting $12.4 billion dollars to build an 11 square mile jewelry store on land he doesn't own .
Ok sounds legit I'll sell my house and add my life savings to it and buy stock in this amazing company !!!!!
What's funny is, there are a few that did that. 😂🤓
Oh yes, go ahead and sell your house and your car. Pull all the money out of your retirement even and put it all in PHIL, change the password of your brokerage to random characters and throwaway the log in details of your brokerage for extra security. Then sit and watch PHIL all day long!
Im just here for vinafilms .and the magic energy box. The ADE ( 11 square mile jewelry store on land PGG doesn't own ) is just the icing on the cake !!!! You can do it Henry !!!! Your true longs believe in your life's mission !!!! We are still in the game !!!! Go Henry !!!
Go Henry !!! You can do it !!! Go PGG !!!! How many peninsulas does my hero honest Henry Fahman plan to develop in Vietnam ???? All of them !!!! Pretty cool haha.
The Kota guys are just as shady as Henry. All of them did nothing but hurt investors.
Don't talk to me with your bogus antics. You don't even own shares, you're acting
I hope that you bashers are mentally preparing yourself for the very real possibility that the judge exits his chambers, saunters over to the bench , sits down , bangs the gavel 3 times and proclaims:
It is the opinion of this court that Henry Fahman is not guilty, because Henry !!!! Because Henry said !!!! Go Henry!!!!! You can do it !!!! We are still in the game ,!!!!!!! Haha !!!!Pretty cool haha
If my hero honest Henry Fahman loses in a sham court then his next move will be strategic and brilliant like always. PGG is still in the game. !!!! Because Henry !!!! Because Henry said !!!!! Come on satvie bank , get that IP funded and get that first domino to fall and prove the bashers wrong haha go Henry !!! You can do it !!!! Your true longs have diamond hands and are thrilled with your progress so far !!!! Patiently waiting as long as it takes !!!!! The week after the first week after the month past easter works for me haha go Henry !!!!! You can do it !!! Go PGG you can do it!!!!! Because Henry !!!!! Because Henry said !!!!!
And just like that, both are in Ch 7 bankruptcy.... LMAO but Sunobi said they had 98000 jobs last week🤡🤡🤡🤡
How is Cole's wife taking it ? Pretty cool haha.
On the eve of PHIL getting its ass handed to it in court, the KOTA boys lost the 1st of 2 cases last week for $4,946,700.00 plus court costs, attorney fees and 9% interest from Dec 23 going forward. LMAO
One is Looking @ fiction #'s vs. actual #'s B & W facts... ....Sad but true Volume to SP....*1sww6re*_gcl_au*MTg4MDA0NzAzMS4xNzQxODgxNDMx
💩Lot of SELLERS @ O.OOO1 R lining (💩ing) up that r stuck (Phil bagholders) in PHIL, & their major problem is.... few to no buyers r lining up @ O.OOO2 to bail them out 'a of this pile of 💩...FICTON anything coming from the Participation_trophy_inc
$12.5 billion
$10.5 million
To save the planet $22 trillion on energy costs
Looks legit
Go Henry !!!! You can do it!!!!
Did I goof and buy too many this time 😂 oh well , the shares were free basically after that last pump from 1-5 🤑😆
I'm just gonna hang around and see how the drama unfolds 🍦🍟🍔🥤😋🎰
Never were in the "GAME" Unfortunately for "Phil" can't hide B & W facts... ....Sad but true Volume to SP....*1sww6re*_gcl_au*MTg4MDA0NzAzMS4xNzQxODgxNDMx
💩Lot of SELLERS @ O.OOO1 R lining (💩ing) up that r stuck (Phil bagholders) in PHIL, & their major problem is.... few to no buyers r lining up @ O.OOO2 to bail them out 'a of this pile of 💩...FICTON anything coming from the Participation_trophy_inc
If Henry can't get the first IP to close and get that first domino to fall then im thinking the potential dream team of John Parks and Dr Prof Benjamin D'Orleans D'France Carl William Benedict Smet III can team up and get us back in the game !!! Pretty cool haha !!!! Go Dr Prof Benjamin D'Orleans D'France Carl William Benedict Smet III. !!!!!! Go John Parks !!!! You can do it !!!! Get us over the finish line and honor the greatest businessman of all time, my hero honest Henry Fahman !!!!! Go PGG !!! There are empty peninsulas all over Vietnam waiting for you to develop them !!!!
Back almost a month ago one stated a week away from getting $$$....????...Cred SHOT !!!
If Henry can't complete the ADE , peninsulas and infrastructure projects in Vietnam then I hope that Dr Prof Benjamin D'Orleans D'France Carl William Benedict Smet III can take the baton and get us over the finish line !!!! Go Dr Prof Benjamin D'Orleans D'France Carl William Benedict Smet III you can do it !!!!! Get that first domino to fall Dr Prof Benjamin D'Orleans D'France Carl William Benedict Smet III Haha
When said stated 💩 head prediction doesn't come to fruition NEXT WEEK is now currently THIS WEEK (2/23/2025 - 03/01/2025) from one (Participation_trophy_inc = Henry Dack Fraudster Fahman) on Getting that first IP closed, it will shut up the the likes of Participation_trophy_inc = Henry Dack Fraudster Fahman !!!! Thank You for putting oneself Officially on the timeline clock of ever believing ones validity/truthfulness going forward. AMEN !!!
Scam ??? Scam ??? With $12.5 billion dollars coming ??? With a company so impressed by Henry that they bypass the entire IP process to simply gift him $10.5 million dollars ??? With the esteemed and dignified Dr Prof Benjamin D'Orleans D'France Carl William Benedict Smet III on board ???? Surely you jest , sir
Stop trolling. All of it was a scam. End of story
Unfortunately for "Phil" can't hide B & W facts... ....Sad but true Volume to SP....*1sww6re*_gcl_au*MTg4MDA0NzAzMS4xNzQxODgxNDMx
💩Lot of SELLERS @ O.OOO1 R lining (💩ing) up that r stuck (Phil bagholders) in PHIL, & their major problem is.... few to no buyers r lining up @ O.OOO2 to bail them out 'a of this pile of 💩...FICTON anything coming from the Participation_trophy_inc
Have you ever heard of secret revs ?????????? 🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑
Please show where in last 10k that Vinafilms is in portfolio .....filing Per last 10K..purchased in March 2023 & yet benefits show The Company (Phil) did not generate any revenue during the six-month period ended December 31, 2024 and only generated $5,000 in consulting income during the same period ended December 31, 2023.
Third option : nasdaq. Vinafilms alone will get us there .
What happens bid or an update from Henry? pathetic to say the least
Unfortunely for all (Participation_trophy_inc aka Henry Dack Fraudster Fahman) their is nothing but decades of lack of success running a competent company & the only success is to line ones own pockets off back of SHers. Proof in B & W. ..... .... ones own DD to painfully follow the Phil RED bleeding
Go Henry !!! Prove the bashers wrong !!!
We just need the first domino to fall !!! Close an IP so you can start your life's mission ( at the spry young age of 75 ) !!!! We true longs are patiently waiting waiting for the $12.5 billion IP and the free gift of $10.5 million in crypto!!!! We are still in the game . I saw a few bears asking why would anyone grant Henry $10.5 million in free crypto. Simple . Because Henry. Because Henry said . Pretty cool haha ,!!!! Go Henry !!! Go PGG!!!!
Go Dack !!!! Because dack said !!!!
Stop bashing Henry , how can you bash such an honest man only trying to save humanity $22 trillion dollars per year in energy costs ???
Yep, but the wrath of SEC coming down on Phil & (Participation_trophy_inc = Henry Dack Fraudster Fahman) is real.
Update on the docket in both suits. Interesting.
(IN CHAMBERS) ORDER TAKING PLAINTIFF'S MOTION FOR DEFAULT JUDGMENT (DKT. 17 ) UNDER SUBMISSION by Judge John A. Kronstadt: The Court has considered the matters raised with respect to Plaintiff's Motion for Default Judgment (Dkt. 17 ) and has concluded that pursuant to Local Rule 7.15, the matter can be decided without oral argument. The Court advises counsel that the Motion, noticed for hearing on March 24, 2025, has been taken under submission and off its motion calendar. No appearance by counsel is necessary. THERE IS NO PDF DOCUMENT ASSOCIATED WITH THIS ENTRY. (sea) TEXT ONLY ENTRY (Entered: 03/13/2025)
PHIL play .....Sucker born everyday & henry found one to try & daily prop this POS play up (Participation_trophy_inc = Henry Dack Fraudster Fahman) unfortunely for longs no more successful propping up as (Participation_trophy_inc = Henry Dack Fraudster Fahman) bringing $$$ to bottom line... Ha Ha !!!
Come on Henry !!! You can do it !!! There are dozens of peninsulas in Vietnam with your name on them we just need the $$$$$ to see what you can do with them !!! I believe in you Henry!!!! Go PGG !!!! Go Henry !!!!! Patiently waiting for the IFC , the $12.5 billion , the free $10.5 million , the government contracts to build every single airport expressway and power plant in Vietnam , and your magic energy box to save the world $22 trillion dollars per year and last but certainly not least the culmination of your life's mission , the 11 square mile jewelry store built on land you don't own !!!!!!! Only you, Henry are capable of such feats. Henry, you had me at hello 💕💕
Lololol. He could pick enough rice to even be worth .15. Pretty dumb huh? Haha 💩
Ha Ha .....institution now dealing w/ (Participation_trophy_inc = Henry Dack Fraudster Fahman) talking to oneself
Henry, the lawsuits said you post on stock boards . I don't know if you will read this but you gotta give your true longs something, man . I know you are incredibly busy and I feel bad asking you for more but toss us a bone , man . You are getting destroyed by bulls turning bear every day .
How about an update on the ADE or the $12.5 billion ? Seriously anything to lift morale. Get us a first domino to fall to prove to the bashers that we are still in the game .
I still believe in you Henry , in your life's mission. I believe a gulf country group is giving you $10 million in crypto for free. Im becoming a phillionaire or going broke . That's the options for me because I so believe in you. You had me at hello, Henry.
Fat Lady's warming up!!!
💩Lot of SELLERS @ O.OOO1 R lining (💩ing) up that r stuck (Phil bagholders) in PHIL, & their major problem is.... few to no buyers r lining up @ O.OOO2 to bail them out 'a of this pile of 💩...FICTON anything coming from the 🥶 one (Participation_trophy_inc = Henry Dack Fraudster Fahman)
And when we become a blue chip that share will be worth $150-$200 . Pretty cool haha !!!
Volume to SP indicates otherwise.......BOOOOOOM!!!*m0c4ml*_gcl_au*MTI2OTk2MTIxOS4xNzQxNzkxNDc3
You guys are idiots. My hero honest Henry Fahman said $12.5 billion, $10.5 million and $22 trillion. Because Henry, because Henry said. Whether you like it or not we are still in the game and I believe Henry Fahman will get that first domino to fall and then get us over the finish line !!!! You can do it Henry !!!! Go Henry !!!! Go PGG !!!! Haha
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Moderators Pokerpro05 |
New York, Aug. 20, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- PHI Group, Inc. (, PHIL), a company currently focused on implementing PHILUX Global Funds, a group of Luxembourg bank funds organized as “Reserved Alternative Investment Fund” (“RAIF”), and developing the Asia Diamond Exchange (“ADE”) in Vietnam, is pleased to announce that its Chairman and CEO Henry Fahman has substantially increased his stock ownership in the Company.
On August 19, 2021 Henry Fahman converted $500,000 of the loan that he made to PHI Group on 02/07/2020 into 103,279,112 shares of restricted Common Stock of PHI Group, Inc. to increase his direct ownership in the Company. A Form 4 will be filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission to report the transaction.
Mr. Fahman stated, "My commitment to PHI Group and to PHIL shareholders has never been stronger, and my belief in future success for the company has never been brighter. After years of laying the groundwork, PHI Group is ready to capitalize on those efforts with many exciting and cutting-edge ventures, including the Luxembourg bank funds, the first-ever Asia Diamond Exchange, and the disruptive initiatives which we believe will bring tremendous benefits to our shareholders as well as all other stakeholders around the world. I look forward to the coming weeks, months and years, with great enthusiasm and determination to create the best results ever for our company, and to maximize our shareholder value."
About PHI Group, Inc.
PHI Group (, PHIL) primarily focuses on advancing PHILUX Global Funds, a group of Luxembourg bank funds organized as “Reserved Alternative Investment Fund” (“RAIF”) (, and building the Asia Diamond Exchange (“ADE”) in Vietnam. The Company also engages in mergers and acquisitions and invests in select industries and special situations that may substantially enhance shareholder value.
Safe Harbor Act and Forward-looking Statements
This news release contains “forward-looking statements” pursuant to the “safe-harbor” provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. “Forward-looking statements” describe future expectations, plans, results, or strategies and are generally preceded by words such as “may,” “future,” “plan” or “planned,” “will” or “should,” “expected,” “anticipates,” “draft,” “eventually” or “projected,” which are subject to a multitude of risks and uncertainties that could cause future circumstances, events, or results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements as a result of various factors.
PHI Group, Inc.+1-714-793-9227
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