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07/16/05 12:27 PM

#119047 RE: sonic22 #119041

Sonic, well since that’s what we have done it would seem the company agrees with you.

But, let me say this just one time, for all the ones that privately said it to me. What the hell were we thinking, do we have the patents or don’t we? Are we trying to win here or just extend the game? And why give the shareholders 10 years of song and dance while they were talking out the side of their mouth with Ericy. Did we have a case or not, if not what are we doing here. What kind of chicken XXXX company is this anyway?

Whew, well that was long overdue. Been hearing that stuff for 2 years now.

Alright back to the post.

Yes regarding Ericy it was likely the best we could do safely. Providing none of those sealed filings come back to bite us down the road.

Were not going to be able to match Nokia's PR, and certainly not there network to the street. No I have to disagree, were not acting like a 800 lb gorilla, but before this is done I would expect Nokia to.

To your statement “ I really think WM will cut deals, he knows we can't keep this up’
I think that will depend on timeframes, but IF that does occur we most likely will not be happy with the results and perhaps even digging the hole a little deeper could occur.

You gave several good scenarios but let me say this, if we have to try and sue our way thru 3G, well it’s over. Plain and simple, turn out the lights. IMO


07/16/05 2:43 PM

#119064 RE: sonic22 #119041

sonic: You noted-->"Check out TASR's press releases, I remember a few months ago they had a release everyday to counter all those articles and newstory about their products. Thats what I want to see from us. It surely can't hurt."

I fully agree with what you said. Trouble is I don't think IDCC's PR people are capable of making/composing press releases that are "quick hitters" and that make John Q. Public take a second look at IDCC.