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07/16/05 12:50 PM

#119050 RE: GE_Jim #119047

This is pretty much what I've been saying publicly for years now. I don't mind getting pounded by the love struck longs :) Nor do I worry about any political correctness in delivering my thoughts.

This company is really starting to live up to its Rodney Dangerfield image.


07/16/05 1:07 PM

#119052 RE: GE_Jim #119047

Jim: you opined" if we have to try and sue our way thru 3G, well it’s over. Plain and simple, turn out the lights. IMO"

Well we already are suing Lu over 3G patents. The problem as I see it is that we didn't have the guts to include our own wcdma patents in this suit and chose to play it safe by only claiming the Tantivy patents. Well that's cute as most of our strategies were, under the leadership of H.G. but it hasn't worked in the past. We have new leadership and we should now go for it. Lets leave the ghost of Mot behind, If we've got the stuff, lets push for recognition of it. Nok made it inevitable that 3G will need validation in court so why fruitlessly wait for a big name "company of integrity" to sign with us.


07/16/05 2:35 PM

#119062 RE: GE_Jim #119047

Jim Charts,

My reasoning on the lower rates is this. IDCC has done an excellent job on their financials. No long term debt, 125 million in the bank. Its almost a textbook balance sheet for a company. We also are at break even so realistically any additional revenue should hit the bottom line. Throw the fact that we only have a total of 55 million outstanding shares. Now lets say we only get .5%, I know IDCC has stated 1-3% and I think NEC is paying around 1%. .5% is a 50% reduction in our rates. I'll even go further and use the NOK 2G rate of .35%. Lets say we get Ericy signed at .35, which triggers NOK. I assume MOT, LG, and the rest would come on board at .35, which is almost like stealing from IDCC at that rate. I'll estimate we receive 35 dollars for every phone sold($100 ASP) and at a billion devices sold thats about 350 million a year. Divide that by 55 and were talking over $6 per share before tax. Lets just use a 25 P/E which I think is very reasonable and might be too low but that translates into around 100-125 a share stock price. This is a very realistic goal and if we could get .5% we would be even higher. I think we all would take those numbers above in order to avoid very lengthy trials. I know I would and thats why I'm here. But the time is coming, and very very sooner rather than later where IDCC will need to show us investors what we have or don't have. I completely agree my decision will be made for me if the NOK 3G lawsuit moves forward or if we have to sue ERICY for 3G. And I do think before 2005 ends we will know the answer to these.


07/16/05 3:05 PM

#119071 RE: GE_Jim #119047

Yup! Agree.

"You gave several good scenarios but let me say this, if we have to try and sue our way thru 3G, well it’s over. Plain and simple, turn out the lights. IMO"