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11/03/11 12:59 PM

#342339 RE: fsshon #342334

" is possible, the lawyers are actually keeping their traps shut, but I would not bet the farm on it."

Actually, I think that is exactly what is happening. First, this case is already under heavy scrutiny for insider trading, and the parties know it, and they also know the judge is inclined to completely disallow the claims of anyone caught trading on or tipping inside info. Second, I am certain the lawyers and the parties really caught hell from the judge for the May leaks.

So we are not in a typical penny stock situation where everybody tells everybody. We are, I believe, in the opposite situation. Nobody is talking. Not even to their spouses/significant others. Even inside the concerned law firms, information is being shared only with the few who have a real need to know.

If there is any inside info being traded on, whoever is doing it knows to do it in small lots over time so as to avoid having the charts raise a red flag.


11/03/11 1:01 PM

#342341 RE: fsshon #342334

Just hunker down. Re-evaluate your risk/reward if need be.

Large Green

11/05/11 10:51 AM

#342652 RE: fsshon #342334

fsshon, thank you and all I can say it is all just very unfortunate for our entire country what has happened and is continuing to happen.

Now for your limb, I REALLY, REALLY want to go out on that limb but with these peoples past actions, it tells me more than likely they played this just enough to get the Mediator to say he wants more time but until, until this court makes some decisions such as more discovery, leaks or whatever, these people have no reason to settle. They know how corrupt it is and they are betting this Judge is to soft. Remember, they can always make a decision to settle and the other thing we do not know is how much Susman REALLY wants.

My take is he will go to the mat with this corrupt court before he loses, which plays into my other post you read. Before anything else happens, blood has to spill before they release their grip on the billions and with this soft court, that has not happened but I will say this. The Judge is out for her own agenda and part of her agenda means she WILL ABSOULUTELY burn these Horsies if they are too stupid. They may quickly settle if this Judge orders deep discovery which is the limb I would go out on..